PCC Sudden Impact 848U (MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G), exhibited by
Month: November 2010
HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld (TR Mr Fire Water 5792R), exhibited by
LAE Sassy Sanchez 906W (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), exhibited by
DVY Whammy Pld 962W (SVY Freedom Pld 307N), exhibited by
Alberta Fall Harvest Charolais sale
November 17, 2010 • Olds, AB
Charolais win Supreme at Farmfair
PCC Sudden Impact 848U a two year old son of Cougarhill Hank 720G was named supreme champion bull at Farmfair in Edmonton, AB.
Grand Champion Female at the show, held November 12 in Edmonton was DBAR MISS ELEGANCE 635S New Country Livestock, Donalda and D. Grant Farms, Bowden.
The raffle for the heifer calf donated by Saunders Charolais, Markdale was a huge success.
Steppler Wins Supreme at Brandon
Sparrows Seminole 927W sired by ABC Latoro 263G and exhibited by Steppler Charolais, Miami was named Supreme Champion Bull at the 2010 Manitoba Livestock Expo November 6th in Brandon, MB.
JSR Usher 32U sired by SVY Freedom and exhibited by Saunders Charolais and Where Eagles Soar Charolais, Markdale was named Grand Champion Bull at the Toronto Royal Show, November 5th in Toronto, ON.