
Agribition Mercer show airs December 6th

Rick Mercer filmed an episode of the Mercer Report at Canadian Western Agribition last week. The Agribition Mercer Report will air on Tuesday, December 6th at 8:00 pm on CBC.  It will air again on Friday, December 9 at 8:30 and will also be available on



Former Charolais breeder dies in traffic accident

Murray Oram of Central Butte, SK a former Charolais breeder and partner in Valley’s End Ranch from the late 1960’s to the 90’s was killed in a car accident Sunday evening in Moose Jaw. A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Tugaske Community Hall, Tugaske, SK.


Charolais Bull Wins RBC Beef Supreme Challenge

CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W exhibited by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; CSS Charolais, Paynton & Char-Mo Charolais, Leduc, AB was named Supreme Champion Bull at the 13th RBC Beef Supreme Challenge held November 26 at Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, SK.


Rollin Acres/Cedarlea, CSS & Char-Mo Win Agribition Show

JSR Juniper 32X sired by SVY Freedom 307N and exhibited by Rollin Acres Charolais, Shelburne, ON was selected Grand Champion Female at the Canadian Western Agribition Show November 25 in Regina, SK. Judge Darren Paget slapped Gerrard Evetta 2Y sired by Gerrard Montezuma 6T from Gerrard Cattle Co., Innisfail, AB as the Reserve Grand Champion Female.
CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S exhibited by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; CSS Charolais, Paynton & Char-Mo Charolais, Leduc, AB was named Grand Champion Bull of this 106 entry show. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was SVY Liberty 128Y sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W from Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co., Maymont & Kay R Charolais, Waskateneau, AB.


CCYA Semen Auction

The Canadian Charolais Youth Association is proud to offer you semen on these great bulls. All proceeds will go directly towards funding our annual Leadership Scholarships, given out to youth in recognition of their contribution to the breed.

SVY KABOOM PLD 7113T – Elder and Wilgenbusch Charolais
JWX SILVER BULLET 524W – Temple Farms
PCC SUDDEN IMPACT 848U –Clear Lake Charolais
WESC HICKS REVOLVER 14R – Hicks Charolais
RPJ CARRERA 53X – Hunter Charolais

The National Board will be auctioning this semen off during the Charolais Sale at Canadian Western Agribition, Thursday, Nov. 24, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.


Charolais Supreme at Saskatoon

MVY Wynona 95W, sired by PCC Balistik 441P and her heifer calf MVY Wynona 39Y by Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W at side was selected Supreme Champion Female at the 2011 Saskatoon (SK) Fall Fair Show, November 12th. Exhibited by McAvoy Charolais, Arelee MVY Wynona 38Y was also judged Res. Grand Champion of the Cinderella Classic all breed heifer calf show.


Charolais bull calf wins Legend of the Fall Show

CML Encore 4Y a Sparrows Sanchez 715T son was crowned Champion Bull Calf at the 2011 Legend of the Fall show at Farmfair International in Edmonton, AB. He was exhibited by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane and is owned by Silver Spur Ranch, Encampment, WY.


McLeod Livestock/Cedarlea Farms, Char-Mo Farms and CSS Charolais Win Farmfair International

CML PLD Ginny 6U, sired by Merit Vintage 4065P-calf by Sparrows Sanchez, owned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane was Grand Champion Female at Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB. The Reserve Grand Champion Female was Gerrard Evetta 2Y, a Gerrard Montezuma 6T daughter, owned by Gerrard Cattle Co. Innisfail. Grand Champion Bull was CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W, sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S, owned by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK, Char-Mo Farms and CSS Charolais, Paynton, SK. The Reserve Grand Champion Bull was CML Encore 4Y, a Sparrows Sanchez 715T son, exhibited by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane and owned by Silver Spur Ranches, Encampment, WY.


Charolais Calves Selling Strong in Ontario

This is an email to let you know how good Charolais cattle are selling in Ontario.  Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, we sold Charolais stockers at Talbotville Livestock Exchange.  We had a group of 17 Charolais steers.  They averaged 750 lbs and they sold for $1.65  1/2  /lb.  That is $1241 a piece.  We had a group of 19 Charolais heifers that averaged 765 lbs and they sold for $1.45/lb, which is $1109 a piece.  A group of smaller heifers sold for $1.54/lb.  That should pay for the feed for the old cow!  It sure is an exciting time to be in the cattle business.
Paul Langstaff,

Charolais Tops All Breeds Bull Calf Jackpot

White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK exhibited Whitecap Revolver 69Y, a son of DWK Till’s Echo 3N, to be Supreme Champion Bull Calf over all breeds at the Manitoba Livestock Expo Jackpot Bull Calf Show November4th in Brandon, MB.