
MCA Picnic Rescheduled

The 2nd Annual Manitoba Charolais Association picnic has been rescheduled to Saturday July 21st. It will be hosted by Breezy Dawn Farms and Myhre Land & Cattle at the Bayduza subdivision on Lake Dauphin. Cattle viewing will begin at 2:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 5:00. MCA members are encouraged to bring animals for the non-judged pen display. Please RSVP to reserve pen space for your cattle and for dinner. Ernie Bayduza 638-7735 or Hans Myhre 638-5664


Charolais Win Moose Jaw 4-H Regional

Raelynne Rosso, Moose Jaw, SK had Champion Female in the Moose Jaw Regional Show June 24th. Her two-year old female Rosso Ms Snowhite 1X and her Merit Roundup bull calf at side beat our 39 females from 5 area clubs. Judge was Tyler Libke, Hanley.

Charolais Win Supreme

LAE Wichita 911W, sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 owned by Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren, was selected Supreme Champion Bull at the 2012 Rapid City Fair, Rapid City, MB. KCH Queen Latifa 1T, sired by Crystal D Pierce 40P and her twin heifer calves KCH Queen Latifa 203Z & KCH Queen Latifa 204Z by SRK Solid 12U was selected Supreme Champion Female at the 2012 Rapid City Fair, June 23, 2012 Exhibited by KCH Charolais, Rapid City & Slack Farms, Harrisburg, SD. There were over 100 entries of all breeds. Judge was Tyson Birmingham, Brandon.

Charolais Steer Champion Cloverbud at Alameda Regional 4-H

Kamryn Gilliland, Carievale, SK had Grand Champion cloverbud steer at both the Carievale local and Alameda Regional 4-H shows with a straight bred red factor Charolais. The show and sale on June 9th saw the 1,280 lb. animal sell for $2.20/lb to C.A. Shaw Agencies.