
Charcross Steers Win Stettler 4-H

Hannah Elines, Big Valley, AB won Grand Champion Steer at the Stettler & District Regional 4-H Show and Sale June 5th, judged by Danny Skeels. Her steer weighed 1,362 lb and sold for $4.70/lb to TJ Tankers, Stettler. Hannah’s brother Eric had the Reserve Grand Champion steer with one weighing 1,670 lb and sold for $2.60/lb to Hanna Motor Products, Hanna.


Brian & Doris Aitken to CCA Honour Roll

Brian & Doris Aitken of Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest, ON were added to the Canadian Charolais Association Honour Roll at the AGM banquet held June 9th in Collingwood. Brian and Doris have been very active in Charolais shows and sales for over 20 years and Doris has been the Ontario Charolais Association secretary since 2001. Tremendous promoters and volunteers for the Charolais breed.


Charolais Steer Tops McConnell 4-H Show

A Charolais steer of Shaylin Stebeleski of Oakburn, MB won Grand Champion honours at the McConnell 4-H Show and Sale, June 11th at Hamiota. McConnell Beef Club is the oldest beef club in Canada. The steer weighed 1,376 lb and sold for $2.50/lb to Mast Electric, Hamiota, Chappell Seeds, Hamiota & Ken Slimmons, Deloraine. Shaylin also won Champion heifer, 1st in class with her heifer calf, 1st in class and Reserve Overall Champion Female with her mature cow/calf pair. The judge was Andre Steppler.


Charolais Heifer winner at Prince Albert 4-H show

Owen Beaulac, Wild Rose 4-H Beef Club, had Champion Charolais Heifer at the Prince Albert (SK) Exhibition Regional 4-H Show June 10th.


Rosso Re-Elected President

Darwin Rosso of Moose Jaw, SK was re-elected President of the Canadian Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting June 9th at Collingwood, ON. Mike Elder, Coronach, SK was re-elected to the board and moved into the 1st Vice-President spot while Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, AB was re-elected to the board and moved into the 2nd Vice-President spot. Rounding out the executive is Past President Brian Couglin, Cobden, ON. Newly elected to the board for Ontario was Roger Maloney of Indian River.

2018 Charolais Association Board of Directors, front row President Darwin Rosso, Moose Jaw, SK; General Manager Mel Reekie, back row Past President Brian Coughlin, Cobden, ON; 2nd Vice-President Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, AB; Shawn Airey, Rivers, MB; Jim Olson, Portage la Prairie, MB; Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau, QC & Roger Maloney, Indian River, ON. Missing 1st Vice-President Mike Elder, Coronach, SK; Allan Marshall, Innisfail, AB & Lorne Lakusta, Andrew, AB.