
Howe Re-elected President of SCA

Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw, SK was re-elected president of the Saskatchewan Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting held July 21st at Moosomin. Jared McTavish, Moosomin was re-elected 1st Vice-President while Stephen Wielgosz retained the position of 2nd Vice-President. Following the AGM a pen show was held at McTavish Charolais, followed by awards presentations and supper. Complete details will be in the August issue of the Charolais Banner.


Myhre Re-elected President of the MCA

Hans Myhre, Dauphin was re-elected president of the Manitoba Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting held July 14 at Belmont. Jeff Cavers, LaRiviere was re-elected 1st-Vice President while Matthew Ramsey, Strathclair fills the 2nd Vice-President position. Rae Trimble-Olson, Portage la Prairie remains as the Secretary-Treasurer. Breeder of the Year award went to Brad & Juanita Cline who hosted the event. After the AGM a pen show was held, followed by awards presentations and supper. Complete details will be in the August issue of the Charolais Banner.


Charcross steer tops Flagstaff 4-H Regional

A 13 month old Charcross calf of Elizabeth Harty, Strome, AB won the Interclub Rate of Gain in the Flagstaff District Beef Show over 64 steers judged by Tyson Bieleny. at 4.2 lb/day. Her steer started at 715 lb and finished at 1,571 lb and sold for $2.80/lb to Edge On Ventrues, Daysland. Also at the June 4th show and sale at Killam, a Charcross steer of Austin Harty was Res. Grand Champion of the Wavy Lake 4-H Beef Club out of 11 steers judged by Scott Harvie. The steer weighed 1,435 lb and sold for $2.40/lb to Dean Zimmel family, Strome.



Charolais win Melfort 4-H

RPJ Butterball 614D by MVY All Star 61A and her bull calf at side RPJ Manchee 814F by Sparrows Sanchez shown by Shanese Martin, St.Brieux was Grand Champion two year old and Supreme Champion Female at the Melfort (SK) Regional 4-H show on July 9th. Judges Blair and Lois McRae also made Manchee was Reserve Champion bull calf of the show.HBC Echo 614D by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET and her bull calf at side HBC Justify 812F by WC Milestone 5223 P shown by Justin Harcourt, Quill Lake was Reserve Grand Champion Female at the Melfort (SK) Regional 4-H show. Justify was Champion Bull Calf of the show.


Charolais steer Res. at Neepawa 4-H

Neepawa, MB Fat Stock Show Interclub Reserve Champion Steer was a Charolais steer shown by Madisyn Robertson of Neepawa. The show was July 4th, the steer weighed 1,403 lb and was the high seller going for $2.90/lb to Neepawa Veterinary Clinic & Coyote Ridge Contracting.


Charolais Heifer Supreme at Swift Current 4-H

Borderlands Essence 9E, shown by Wyatt Ching, Rockglen, SK and sired by LHD Cigar was named Supreme Champion Female of the Swift Current 4-H Regional Show June 30th. Judge Jonah Biensch, Marsden placed her over 42 females of all breeds for the win.


Charolais Steer & Female top Saskatoon 4-H

Calina Evans, Kenaston, SK had Champion Cow/Calf pair and Grand Champion Female at the Saskatoon Regional 4-H show on July 8th with LAE Calypso 555C (Circle Cee Legend daughter) and her HBSF Diesel bull calf. Shelby Evans had Reserve Champion Bred Heifer with LAE Ebony 797E (Circle Cee Legend daughter).  

Shelby Evans had Grand Champion steer out of 88 with her tan Charcross steer on July 9th. The steer weighed 1,511 lb and sold for $3.75/lb to Pinnacle Builders RTM, Martensville Building and Nienhaus Contracting. The judge was Kirk Hurlburt of Saskatoon.

Shelby was also named Supreme Champion Showman and won the Multi-Species Regional judging competition.


Charcross Steer Wins Weyburn 4-H

A Charcross steer shown by Ben Saffery of Midale, SK was Grand Champion at the Weyburn Regional 4-H Show, July 3rd. Beating out nearly 175 steers he weighed 1,446 lb and sold for $3.75/lb to Holdstock Livestock, Weyburn. The judge was Tyler Smyth of Swift Current. Ben works at Wilgenbusch Charolais and the steer was sired by a Wilgenbusch bull from the herd of Terry Iluk and Jodi Hawken.