

December 31, 2009

December 2009

D & D Charolais Dispersal SaleDecember 21, 2009 • Alameda, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Cow/Calf Pairs $6050 $2017
9 Bred Cows $13,725 $1525
18 Bred Heifers $24,975 $1388
2 Heifer Calves $1500 $750
1 Bull Calf $875 $875
1 Mature Bull $1950 $1950
34 Lots $49,075 $1443

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 21, D & D Tamy 9T, sired by JWX North 40 55N, out of a Levi’s Nugget Polled 10C daughter, bred to JWX Sterling Silver 313U. Sold for $2,550 to Elder Charolais, Coronach.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 10, D & D Peugeot 49U, sired by JWX North 40 55N, out of an Elder’s Matlock 892L, bred to SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T. Sold for $2,000 to Elder Charolais.

Lot 12, D & D Peugeot 54U, sired by JWX North 40 55N, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld daughter, bred to SVY Kaboom. Sold for $2,000 to Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore, MB.


Manitoba Masterpiece SaleDecember 19, 2009 • Brandon, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Cow/Calf Pairs $6900 $6900
19 Bred Heifers $46,500 $2447
16 Heifer Calves $26,050 $1628
1 Mature Bull $9100 $9100
36 3/4 Lots $88,550 $2410

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair

Lot 2, JMB Ms Elegance 768T, sired by BXB Dateline Son 65R, out of a KOP Gold Steel 66E daughter, bred to Merit 8671U. Sold for $4,500 to Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON. Consigned by JMB Charolais, Brookdale.

Lot 2A, JMB Unique 926W, sired by JMB Skybus 747T. Sold for $2,400 to Steppler Charolais, Miami.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 15, HC Undeniable 835U, sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter, bred to SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T. Sold for $5,100 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK. Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 23, HC Whirlwind 927W, sired by Rolling D Summit 21S, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter. Sold for $2,350 Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore. Consigned by Hunter Charolais.

High Selling Mature Bull

Lot 1, BXB Dateline Son 65R, sired by Soder Dateline 526M, out of a LHD Mr Perfect Y416 daughter. Sold for $9,100 for 3/4 interest to Martens Charolais, Boissevain. Consigned by JMB Charolais.


Alliance 2009 SaleDecember 16, 2009 • Yorkton, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
13 Bred Heifers $36,425 $2802
11 Heifer Calves $22,475 $2043
24 Lots $58,900 $2454

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 15, HBC Carrie 803U, sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of a Sparrows Madrid 7M daughter, bred to SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T. Sold for $6,500 to Crystal Creek Charolais, Menlo, Iowa. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 1, Elder’s Watutsi 946W, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $3,700 to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon. Consigned by Elder Charolais, Coronach.


Merit Cattle Company Charolais Bred Female DispersalDecember 14, 2009 • Radville, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
84 Bred Cows $190,600 $2269
33 Bred Heifers $62,500 $1894
2 Mature Bulls $11,500 $5750
1 Two-Year Old Bull $6000 $6000
1 Yearling Bull $7500 $7500
121 Lots $278,100 $2298

High Selling Bred Cows

Lot 57, Merit Echo 4080P, sired by ABC Caja Quebrada, out of a Merit 5133E daughter, bred to Whitecap New Discovery 218T. Sold for $6,000 to Broken Box Ranch, Sacramento, CA.

Lot 138, Merit Designer 4253P, sired by ABC Caja Quebrada, out of a Merit 8005H daughter, bred to Whitecap Discovery 218T. Sold for $5,300 to Broken Box Ranch.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 161, Merit Lois 8819U, sired by Merit 5293R, out of a Winn Mans JD 338N, bred to HVA Ruler 155R. Sold for $5,100 to White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw.

Lot 165, Merit Yolanda 8761U, sired by Merit 1058L, out of a SBPC Big Mac 12Z daughter, bred to SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T. Sold for $4,500 to Elder Charolais, Coronach.

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 1, RC Nebraska 857 P, sired by RC Nebraska 367 Pld, out of a RC Budsmydad 225 Polled daughter. Sold for 7,500 to Rambur Charolais, Sidney, MT.


Sterling Collection SaleDecember 4, 2009 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
6 Cow/Calf Pairs $28,200 $4700
24 Bred Heifers $64,800 $2700
6 Heifer Calves $21,950 $3658
1 Bull Calf $9500 $9500
1 Flush $8000 $8000
38 Lots $132,450 $3486

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair

Lot 2, KCM Tatania 627S, sired by Sparrows Durango 585P, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter, bred to MXS Allegro 701T. Sold for $3,000 to Pee Vee Charolais, QC.Consigned by Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam.

Lot 2A, KCM Tatania 922W, sired by LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld. Sold for $3,500 to Donmoore Farms, Raymore.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 9, LAE Unfathomable 8123U, sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of an MNE High Voltage 64H daughter, bred to LT Bluegrass 4017 P. Sold for $4,600 to Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 3, SVY Girly Girl 932W, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an HFCC Pld Evolution 5L daughter. Sold for $7,050 to Crystal Creek Charolais, Oklahoma, Iowa. Consigned by Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont.

High Selling Bull Calf

Lot 1, SVY Silversmith Pld 903W, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N. Sold for $9,500 to White Heather Charolais, Crossfield, AB. Consigned by Voegeli Bros. Charolais.

High Selling Flush

Lot 38, SVY Starstruck 378N, out of SVY Guardian 969J. Sold for $8,000 to Crystal Creek Charolais. Consigned by Voegeli Bros. Charolais.


Char-Maine Ranching 5 th Annual Bull SaleDecember 4, 2009 • Lethbridge, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
44 Yearling Bulls $131,600 $3060
44 Lots $131,600 $3060

High Selling Bulls

LOT 14 MAIN SILVER SHADOW 30W (Polled, BW, 89lbs), Sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, Out of a HTA Taurus 555R daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Shaw Ranches, cardston.

Lot 29 MAIN RED DUST 99U (Polled, Red Factor, BW 93lbs), Sired by HEJ Ignition 31R, Out of a JS Red Rock 310L daughter. Sold for $5,000 to White Lake Colony, Barrons


Bar EW Charolais Dispersal SaleDecember 3, 2009 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
25 Cow/Calf Pairs $80,925 $3237
3 Bred Cows $4750 $1583
4 Bred Heifers $6350 $1588
6 Heifer Calves $7400 $925
3 Bull Calves $4900 $1633
2 Yearling Bulls $4100 $2050
1 Two-Year Old Bull $2000 $2000
1 Mature Bull $3350 $3350
47 Lots $113,775 $2421

High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs

Lot 34, Bar EW Bryn 1R, sired by Westdale Laser Pld 2L, out of a 4-G Heat Wave 131F daughter, bred to Bar EW Tyrone 28T. Sold for $2,650 to Dog Patch Acres, Leroy.

Lot 34A, Bar EW Willis 57W, sired by BRT Brett 5R. Sold for $2,350 to Windyview Farms, Omemee, ON.

Lot 33, Bar EW Katelin 73P, sired by Westdale Laser Pld 2L, out of a FWB Mr Grizz 34K daughter, bred to HVA Upstate 8U. Sold for $3,500 to Dog Patch Acres.

Lot 33A, Bar EW 5R Katelin 8W, sired by BRT Brett 5R. Sold for $1,100 to Cas-Bar Farms, Blaine Lake.

High Selling Mature Bull

Lot 1, Hillview Baron 424P, sired by Hillview Dundee 103L, out of a Hillview Thriller 946J daughter. Sold for $3,350 to A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy.


Gilliland/New Country, Chomiak Win Canadian National Show (A Double Point BOSS Show) Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale won National Grand Champion Bull honours November 27, 2009 at Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK with G.Bros Rampage 88U by Bar J Savior 16S.Judge Dennis Erixon, Wetaskewin, AB choose DVY SVY Warrior 2W by SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S from Voegeli Bros/Serhienko, Footprint Farms & Payne Livestock as his Reserve Grand Champion Bull.Grand Champion Female of this 108 entry show was NCLB Simply Irresistible 813U sired by DBAR Survivor 220M exhibited by New Country Livestock, Donalda, AB & Chomiak Charolais, Mundare, AB.Reserve Grand Champion Female was Elder’s Tessa 902W sired by HTA Tautus 555R shown by Elder Charolais, Coronach & Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB.


Canadian National SaleNovember 26, 2009 Regina, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Bred Cow $13,500 $13,500
1 Bred Heifers $3000 $3000
13 Heifer Calves $48,950 $3765
1 Bull Calf $67,500 $67,500
1 Semen Interest $17,000 $17,000
16 1/2 Lots $149,950 $9088

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 234A, Rollin Acres Lizzie 7S, sired by PCFL Prince 42K, out of a RXE Mr Dreammaker 20D, bred to Jezabel. Sold for $13,500 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily, AB & Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB. Consigned by Rollin Acres Charolais, Shelburne, ON.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 249, Prairie Cove Miss 911W, sired by JSR Trophy 88T, out of an ABC Latoro 263G daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Clear Lake Charolais. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais, Bowden, AB.

High Selling Bull Calf

Lot 250, PCC Top Gun 955W, sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of Sparrows Tempest 174K. Sold for $67,500 for 1/2 interest and full possession to Clear Lake Charolais. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais and Grant Farms, Bowden, AB.

High Selling Semen Interest

Lot 231, Winn Mans Lanza 610S, sired by Sparrows Durango 585P, out of a Merit 5133E daughter. Sold for $17,000 for 100 doses of semen to Charhead Charolais, Indian Head; Backbern Farm, Forrester Falls, ON and McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB. Consigned by A. Sparrow Farms, Vancoy; Winn Man Farms, WInnipegosis, MB and Lindskov-Thiel Charolais, Isabel, SD.


Rudiger Charolais Ranch FinaleNovember 18, 2009 Calgary, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
20 Cow/Calf Pairs $85,975 $3307
12 Bred Cows $28,350 $2362
14 Bred Heifers $30,650 $2189
2 Heifer Calves $4300 $2150
2 Bull Calves $3700 $1850
6 Two-Year Old Bulls $23,000 $3833
3 Mature Bulls $15,250 $5083
65 Lots $191,225 $2942
3 Pregnant Recips $4700 $1567
136 Embryo’s $26,550 $195
632 Doses semen $10,420 $16.50
1 Fibreglass bull $2200
Tack $3260
Total Sale Gross $238,355

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair

Lot 2, JR Miss CW Caidtilly 303N, sired by Curtis Wallace, out of JRR Caids Tilly 238H, bred to JR Cadet Poll Martel 705T. Sold for $4,300 to Sullivan Lake Charolais, Calgary.

Lot 2A, JR 924W, sired by JR Super Cadet 502R. Sold for $1,500 to Beck Farms, Lang, SK.

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 5, JR C.W. Martel Poll 406P, sired by Curtis Wallace 141H, out of MLC Miss Maple Leaf 203M, bred to DCD Saturn Hisman 1G. Sold for $5,250 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 53, JR Miss Ufano Martel 805U, sired by Ufano SC, out of JR C.W. Martel Poll 406P, bred to JR Double Poll 716T. Sold for $4,500 to A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 3A, JR 918W, sired by Ufano SC, out of JR Miss CW Super Gal 304N. Sold for $2,800 to Ken Rose Charolais, Burnt Lake, BC.

High Selling Bull Calf

Lot 3B, JR 929W, sired by Uno, out of JR Miss CW Super Gal 304N. Sold for $2,800 to Ken Rose Charolais.

High Selling Two-Year Old Bull

Lot 56, JR Ufano Martel 816U, sired by Ufano SC, out of JR C.W. Martel Poll 406P. Sold for $7,700 to Wilkie Charolais, Big Valley.

High Selling Mature Bull

Lot 48, JR Ufano CW Martel 707T, sired by Ufano SC, out of JR C.W. Martel Poll 406P. Sold for $5,750 to Chomiak Charolais, Mundare.

High Selling Embryos

Lot 5D, Ufano SC X JR C.W. Martel Poll 406P. 7 embryos to $675 each to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB.


Alberta Charolais Association looks for two parttime employees Alberta Charolais Association looks for two parttime employees to fill Fieldman and Secretary/Treasurer positions. For more information, check the classifieds.


New Country Livestock/ Gerrard Cattle Co & Glen Pittman Win FarmfairGrand Champion Female at this 12 entry show, held November 12, 2009 in Edmonton was NCLB SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE 813U(DBAR Survivor 220M), New Country Livestock, Donalda and Chomiak Charolais, Mundare.Reserve Champion Female was ELDERS COPPER SANDS 873U (FFBB Roper PLD 5106R), Grant Farms, Bowden and Wilgenbusch Charolais, Hatbrite, SK.Grand Champion Bull, chosen by Judge Ken Lewis, Spruce Grove was GERRARD MONTEZUMA 6T (SVY Freedom 307N), Gerrard Cattle Co. Innisfail, & Glen Pittman, Milk River.Reserve Champion Bull was TOP GRANTS CHAVEZ 944W (Sparrows Sanchez 715T),Grant Farms, Bowden.


JMB/Pleasant Dawn Win Manitoba Livestock Expo (A BOSS Show)Pleasant Dawn Farms, Oak Lake won Grand Champion Bull honours at the Manitoba Livestock Expo Charolais Show, November 6th in Brandon, Manitoba with Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W sired by Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P.Reserve Grand Champion Bull selected by judge Ian Harvie of Olds, Alberta was HTA Count Down 9103W from HTA Charolais, Rivers sired by LT Easy Blend 5125.Grand Champion Female of this 40 head B.O.S.S.Show was JMB Ms Elegance 768T by BXB Dateline son 65R and her JMB Skybus 747T heifer calf at side.

The Reserve Grand Champion Female was the Senior Heifer Calf Champion HTA Sonja 954W by Merit 5323R from HTA Charolais.


Saunders, Where Eagles Soar/Cornerview Win Toronto Royal Show (A BOSS Show)JSR Usher 32U by SVY Freedom Pld 307N and exhibited by Saunders Charolais & Where Eagles Soar Charolais, Markdale was slapped Grand Champion Bull at the Toronto (ON) Royal Show, November 6 in Toronto.Judge Chris Polzin selected JSR Total 4T by EC No Doubt 2022 P also from Saunders and Where Eagles Soar as the Reserve Grand Champion Bull.Grand Champion Female of this 85 entry show was Cornerview Tansy 3T sired by SVS Nobleman 25N and her Sparrows Coach 467S heifer calf at side from Cornerview Charolais, Cobden.Reserve Grand Champion Female was JSR Blossom Lola 19T sired by SVY Freedom Pld 307N and her EC No Doubt 2022 P bull calf at side exhibited by Saunders Charolais, Reays Unlimited, Bohrson Livestock, Aces High Land & Cattle and John Nostadt.



Charolais Win Reserve Supreme at Toronto 4-H Show Medonte Untouchable 8U by SVY Freedom Pld 307N was Champion Charolais in the Toronto Royal National Junior Beef Heifer Show for Erin Briggs of Hawkestone. This heifer then went on to be Reserve Supreme over 350 plus entries. A commercial heifer shown by Brooke Earley, Kerwood was Supreme.



Alberta Fall Harvest Sale

October 31, 2009 • Olds , AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Pick of the Herd $20,000 $20,000
2 Right to Flush $5600 $2800
7 Cow/Calf Pairs $30,400 $4345
7 Bred Heifers $13,400 $2600
16 Heifer Calves $30,850 $1928
1 Bull Calf $7000 $7000
41 Lots $126,150 $3076
2 Semen Packs $7500 $3750
High Selling PickLot 1 Pick of the Females at Pro-Char Charolais. Sold for $20,000 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily & Prairie Cove Charolais. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais, GlenevisHigh Selling Cow/calf pairLot 4 BETTERBGOOD 2 ME 36R, sired by SVY Wide Cut 20K, out of a JWK Impressive D040 daughter, bred to LHD Cigar E46. Sold for $7,000 to Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale, ON. Calf-CEE’S SO IN TA YA 904W, sired by LHD Cigar E46. Sold for $4,100 to Double L Ranch, Innisfail. Consigned by Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont.High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 19 SDC VICTORIA 51R, sired by MGM Merlot, out of a Red Ace daughter, Bred to FFBB Lariet PLD 828U. Sold for $5,700 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily. Consigned by Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek.

High Selling Bull Calf

Added Lot 45 SCF WARDEN 40W, sired by Sumo, out of an Anjou Extra 4E daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Mulkay Charolais, Spedden. Consigned by Stephen Charolais, Moosomin, SK.


Bruce Penisula 8th Annual Calf SaleOctober 24, 2009 • Keady (ON) Livestock CentreProbably the top pre-sort sale in Canada featuring Charcross calves. 1020 In Total, From 23 Producers

Pen Head Desc. Wt/Price
50 14 Char Strs 461@135.00
51 14 Tan Strs 511@134.50
52A 15 Char Strs 497@132.00
53A 16 Char Strs 555@127.00
54A 15 Char Strs 599@118.00
41-3 37 Char Strs White 511@140.00
105,06 32 Tan Strs 691@114.75
109 18 Char Strs White 756@104.25
94 20 Tan Strs 499@144.00
95 55 Char Strs White 538@139.00
96 37 Char Strs White 601@127.00
97 41 Char Hfrs White 501@120.00
98 37 Char Hfrs White 548@109.50
99 66 Tan Strs 598@133.50
100 51 Char Hfrs Tan 601@103.25
101 40 Tan Strs 647@122.00
102 52 Tan Hfrs 556@111.00
85 28 Char Hfrs 547@111.50
86 29 Char Hfrs 592@105.00
87 18 Char Hfrs 638@102.00
88 40 Char Strs White 645@122.75
89 30 Tan Strs 548@131.75
90A 11 Char Hfrs 443@120.00
92 30 Char Hfrs 502@114.75
70 8 Tan Strs 723@110.00
73G 9 Char Strs White 678@116.25
74E 8 Char Hfrs 693@100.00
75-6 11 Char Hfrs White 653@102.50
185G 21 Char Hfrs White 595@105.00
60 7 Red Hfrs 589@101.00
61 10 Red Strs 509@133.00
64 16 Red Strs 558@130.00
65-6 28 Red Strs 596@129.50
2B 5 Red Strs 431@115.00
3X 13 Mixed Strs 622@127.00
4 2 Red Hfrs 500@91.00
5A 4 Char Strs 394@139.00
7B 12 Red Strs 692@116.00
9 4 Char Strs 809@106.00
1A 4 Char Strs White 393@151.50
12C 6 Char X Hfrs 367@126.50
13A 7 Tan Strs 396@156.00
14A 6 Tan Strs 449@157.00
15 7 Char Strs White 440@157.00
19 16 Red Strs 644@115.00
22A 13 Tan Hfrs 445@124.00
222A 4 Char X Strs 368@147.00
23A 12 Tan Hfrs 505@122.00
25 13 Char Hfrs White 444@124.00
26A 15 Tan Hfrs 642@104.00
27A 6 Tan Hfrs 681@100.75



Charhaven/LXL Win Maritimes Show (A BOSS Show)Charhaven Waylon 91W by Sparrow’s Vintage 75R from Charhaven Charolais, Cornwall, PEI was named Grand Champion Bull at the Maritime Charolais Show, October 11th in Halifax, NS. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Cornerstone Wise Guy 5W sired by Wat-Cha Stiff Upper Lip 22S from Cornerstone Charolais, Cornwall, PEI. Judge Norman Little from Ireland selected LXL Baby Chunker 9U by DBAR Survivor 202M as the Grand Champion Female of this 18 head show. Reserve Grand Champion Female was Charhaven Lady Primrose 416P by Crosby’s Alliance 99M with her Sparrow’s Vintage 75R bull calf at side.


Ferme Coujo/Cornerview Charolais Win Expo Boeuf (A BOSS Show)Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON won Grand Champion Female at the Expo Boeuf Charolais Show, October 9th in Victoriaville, QC with Cornerview Tansy 3T, sired by SVS Nobleman 25N and her Sparrows Coach 467S calf at side. Reserve Grand Champion Female of the 34 entry show was POST Wanda 241W by Sparrows Eldorado from Ranch Ostiguy, St. Cesaire. Judge Eric Rineker of Sunderland, ON slapped WKL Mr Big Shot 212S by Thomas Oahe Wind from Ferme Coujo of Notre-Dame-Du Bon-Conseil Grand Champion Bull. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Cornerview Wallstreet 5W by TLC Integrity 5087P from Cornerview Charolais.


Land O’ Lakes Charolais & Guests Sale

October 17, 2009 • Campbellford, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
8 Cow/Calf Pairs $21,100 $2638
8 1/2 Bred Cows $19,000 $2235
16 Bred Heifers $29,600 $1850
14 Heifer Calves $18,475 $1320
1 Bull Calf $1700 $1700
1 Flush $3500 $3500
48 1/2 Lots $93,375 $1925
5 Embryos $2250 $450
High Selling Cow/Calf PairLot 20, BPL Superchic 2S, sired by Moore’s Legacy 117L, out of a Prairiewind Steakhouse 8C daughter, bred to LT Rio Blanco. Sold for $3,100 to Palerme Charolais, Gatineau, QC. Consigned by Potter Charolais, Earleton.Lot 20A, BPL Whisper 6W, sired by LT Rio Blanco. Sold for $2,100 to Palerme Charolais.High Selling Bred CowLot 1, Land O’ Lakes Bobbi 28N, sired by WCR Prime Cut, out of an SVY Bedrock Pld 816H daughter, bred to LT Wyoming Wind. Sold for $3,000 for 1/2 interest to Compton Charolais, Ovid, NY. Consigned by Land O’ Lakes Charolais, Madoc.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 28, Amabec Ursula 4U, sired by MFH Northstar 31N, out of an LT Wyoming Wind daughter, bred to JSR Tolstoy 56T. Sold for $3,300 to Diamond T Charolais, Roseneath. Consigned by Amabec Charolais, Warkworth.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 31, Amabec Wonderwoman 3W, sired by Land O’ Lakes Rio Grande 20S, out of a CED Heartbreaker 103H daughter. Sold for $2,300 to Josh Bell, Coldwater. Consigned by Amabec Charolais.

High Selling Flush

Lot 8A, Land O’ Lakes Sara 28L, sired by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK. Consigned by Land O’ Lakes Charolais.


Oattes/Cedardale Win Lindsay Charolais Show (A BOSS Show)

Oattes Charolais, Cobden won Grand Champion Bull honours at the Lindsay (ON) Charolais Show, Sept. 25th with CRG Ur Best Bet 21W by Cedardale Recruit 34R. Judge John Dolliver, Stettler, AB selected Cedardale Winchester 70W by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N from Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton as the Reserve Grand Champion Bull. Grand Champion Female of this 42 entry show was Miss Cedardale 57U by LT Bluegrass from Cedardale Charolais. Reserve Grand Champion Female was Medonte Rumours 9R by SVY Freedom and her SVY Ad Invincible bull calf from Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale.


Northern Showcase Sale

September 26, 2009 • Earlton, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
14 Charolais Lots $31,800 $2272
27 Overall 5 Breeds Lots $57,900 $2144

High Selling Female

Lot 21, BPL Ultra Lady 10U, sired by LT Rio Blanco 1234 P, out of a Moore’s Legacy 119L daughter, bred to Land O Lakes Havana 3U. Sold for $3,200 to Palerme Charolais, Gatineau, QC. Consigned by Potter Charolais, Earlton.


Uppin’ the Ante Charolais Female Sale

September 26, 2009 • Guelph, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Cow/Calf Pairs $17,300 $5767
6 Bred Cows $18,900 $3150
21 Bred Heifers $55,650 $2650
17 Heifer Calves $42,800 $2518
47 Lots $134,650 $2865

High Selling Cow/calf Pair

Lot 2, JSR Dignity 47T, sired by SVY Freedom, out of a Sparrows Alliance daughter, bred to Winn Man’s Pistol. Sold for $4,900 to Rollin Acres Charolais, Shelburne. Consigned by Saunders Charolais, Markdale.

Lot 2A, JSR Dignity 18W, sired by No Doubt. Sold for $2,900 to C M Livestock, Orangeville.

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 9, Rollin Acres Watchthis 13T, sired by Jezabel, out of a PCFL Jupiter 65D daughter, bred to EW Coats 12S. Sold for $4,600 to Stephen Charolais, Moosomin, SK.

High Selling Heifer Calves

Lot 42, JSR Gem 41W, sired by SVY Freedom, out of a SVY Bedrock daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Where Eagles Soar Charolais, Markdale.

Consigned by Saunders Charolais.

Lot 43, ACC Fancy 902W, sired by Cougarhill Hank, out of a Prime Cut daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Grant Farms, Bowden, AB & Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK. Consigned by Andemar Cattle Co., St. Mary’s.


Cornerview / Oattes Win Renfrew Charolais Show (A BOSS Show)

Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, won both Grand and Reserve Champion Bull awards at the Renfrew Charolais Show in Renfrew September 13th.

CORNERVIEW WALLSTREET 3W, a TLC Integrity 5087P calf, from JSR Juice was slapped Calf and Grand Champion by Judge Dwight Kyle, of Iona Station, Ontario.

CORNERVIEW WRANGLER 10W, a son of JDJ Smokestar 5087P was named Reserve Calf Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Bull.

Oattes Charolais, Cobden, exhibited the Senior and Grand Champion Female with CEDARDALE SUCCESS 3S, an LT Wyoming Wind daughter with her CRG Total Control 36T calf at side.

Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Female was exhibited by Sharodon Farms, Peterborough, with BLP ULTIMATE 20U, an LT Rio Blanco daughter.


Springside Farms wins I.P.E.

Springside Farms captured both Grand Champion Bull and Female honours at the Interior Provincial Exhibition in Armstrong, BC.  Judge Howard Schneider of Ardrossen, AB slapped SDC Regina 106R, sired by SVY Freedom Pld 307N, as the Grand Champion Female.

Reserve Champion Female, at this BOSS Show on September 5, was NCLB Simply Irresistable, sired by DBAR Survivor 220M, shown by Brayden Paget, Donalda, AB.

SDC King Ranch 70T, sired by HEJ Ripper 66P, was the Grand Champion Bull.

Reserve Champion Bull was RRTS On Time 59W, sired by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET, shown by RRTS Charolais,  Vernon.


Charcross Steer wins Horsefly Beef Club 4-H Show

Selena Laffer, Horsefly 4-H Beef Club, won Grand Champion Steer at the Williams Lake, BC and District 4-H Show and Sale, August 14th -19th, 2009. Judge Eddy Holland from Bluffton, Texas selected Selena’s 1,365 lb white Charcross steer over 71 entries. Her steer sold to Hartland Toyota, Williams Lake for $4.25/lb.


Charcross steer wins Rainy River 4-H Show

Nick Teeple, Emo,ON won Grand Champion steer at the Rainy River district 4-H show held August 14th in Emo. The steer weighing 1,265 lbs. won over 25 other steers and sold for $2.64/lb. to Cloverleaf Grocery.


Grant Farms/Harvie Ranching Win Alberta Designate Show (A BOSS Show)

Grant Farms, Bowden had Grand Champion Female with Prairie Cove Miss 505R (sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G-Calf Sparrows Sanchez 715T) at the 2009 Olds Fair Charolais Show, held August 8, 2009. Judge Michael Daines, Innisfail, chose JIL Queenie 48U (Bar Diamond Hank 22M), Future Farms, Innisfail as his Reserve Grand Champion Female.

Grand Champion Bull, at this 22 entry show was Harvie Crystal D Trigger 35T (Maungchina Towkay T13), Harvie Ranching, Olds. Reserve Champion Bull was TOP Grant’s Chavez 944W (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Grant Farms, Bowden.


Horkoff Inducted in Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame

Audrey Horkoff who has been Saskatchewan Charolais Association President, Canadian Charolais Association Director and Executive Member, Canadian Western Agribition President and many other accomplishments was inducted into the Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame in a ceremony held August 2nd in Saskatoon. A full story is in the August Charolais Banner being mailed August 14th.


Charolais Cross steer Wins Calgary Stampede Steer Classic

A 1319lb silver steer owned by Colby McLoed of Cochrane was chosen by judge Cam Sparrow as this year’s Champion at the Calgary Stampede Steer Classic . Colby is the son of Rod and April McLoed. This steer has had a great spring winning Olds, Bashaw and Joesphburg shows.


Charcross Steer Wins BC 4-H Show

Autumn Baker won Grand Champion Steer at the Okanagan 4-H Stock Show held in Armstrong, BC, July 7th-11th with a Charolais X Red Angus X Hereford buckskin steer. Judged the best over 60 others he weighed 1,225 lbs. and sold for $2.75/lb. to Sure Crop Feeds, Grindrod, BC. Autumn is the granddaughter of Keith & Cheryl Atlwasser, Altwasser Charolais of Lumby.


Charcross Steer Wins Virden 4-H

Kate-Lyne Nykoliation of Virden, MB won grand champion steer honours at the Virden 4-H interclub show July 6th. Jim Hallberg, Weyburn, SK judged this 1,430 lb. buckskin Charolais X Red Angus steer over 56 others which went on to sell for $2.55/lb. to Penner Connstruction, Kola.

Charolais Sweep Saskatoon 4-H Show

Shae-Lynn Evans of Kenaston won grand champion female at the Saskatoon (SK) 4-H Regional Show July 5th with LAE Sassy Spur 660S and her Sanchez heifer calf.  Claude Wasden of Spiritwood judged both the female and steer show the next day. Brandon Sparrow of Vanscoy topped 111 steers to win with his Charolais X Simmental X Hereford buckskin steer. The steer weighing 1,406 lbs. sold for $6.50/lb. to Farm and Garden Center and Dairyland Agro both of Saskatoon.


Charolais sweep Rivers Interclub 4-H show

Nikoda Holopina, Rivers, MB had Grand Champion steer at the Rivers 4-H Beef Fat Stock Show in early July. Appropriately named, Sir Loin this white Charolais steer weighed 1376 lbs. and sold for $1.70/lb. to Redfern Farm Services of Rivers. Marcel and Jean Fouillard of St.

Lazare judged this interclub show which saw Terinda Holopina win Grand Champion heifer with a daughter of Rio Blanco out of HTA Glitter and Brayden Heapy win Grand Champion continuation female with his two-year old HEJ Ripper daughter with her KBK Rally bull calf at side.


Cattle Fitting Clinic in Saskatoon in October

A Kirk Stierwalt Clinic is being organized to be held in Saskatoon this fall October 16 – 18 at Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Space is limited to 20 people; If anyone is interested contact Kristin Wielgosz at (306)279-2033.


C2/Wilgenbusch/D. Grant Farms and JMB Win Heart of Canada Show (A BOSS Show)

JMB Natalie 818U sired by CS Mango 256M and exhibited by JMB Charolais, Brookdale was Grand Champion Female at the Heart of Canada Show, July 4th in Portage la Prairie.

The Reserve Grand Champion Female of this 19 entry show was Steppler Miss Temperance 73U from Carter Ferguson, Carroll.

Judge Clint Robertson slapped JWX Reality Red 73U by Crystal D Pierce 40P and exhibited by C2 Charolais, La Riviere; Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK and D. Grant Farms, Olds, AB as the Grand Champion Bull.

JMB 904W by BXB Dateline Son 65R was the Reserve Grand Champion Bull for JMB Charolais.


Silver Charcross Wins Manitou

A Silver Charolais X Angus steer won the Manitou , MB Interclub 4-H achievement day July 4th. Keegan Blehm, son of Jeff and Jackie Cavers of C2 Charolais, La Riviere beat out 22 other steers judged by Darren Carvey, Brandon. This April 9th steer weighed 1,275 lbs. and sold for $2.15/lb. to Green Valley Equipment of Morden.   If anyone knows of other Charcross steers winning 4-H regional please send us the information for posting.


Bignell Elected President of the Canadian Charolais Association

Lyle Bignell, Stettler, AB was elected President of the Canadian Charolais Association at its 50th Annual General Meeting held June 30, 2009 at Russell, MB. Wade Beck, Lang, SK was elected 1st Vice-President, Campbell Forsyth, Eriksdale, MB 2nd Vice-President and Cam Sparrow, Vanscoy, SK will sit as Past-President. Newly elected to the board were John Wilgenbusch, Halbrite, SK and Dory Gerrard, Innisfail, AB.

A full report will be in the August Charolais Banner.


Walker Re-Elected SCA President

O rland Walker, Hudson Bay was re-elected president of the Saskatchewan Charolais Association at its

47th Annual General Meeting held June 13th in Moose Jaw. The executive remains the same with

Donna Ross, Coronach (1st Vice-President), Donna McMorris, Balcarres (2nd Vice-President) and

Dave Bleckinger, Rosetown (Secretary-Treasurer). Elder Charolais, Coronach were presented with

the Breeder of the Year award as voted on by the breeders at Agribition last fall.


Charcross steer wins Roblin 4-H show

Autumn Jackson, Inglis won Grand Champion steer honours at the Roblin, Manitoba 4-H Regional show June 1st. Ben Fox, Dauphin picked this Charolais X Simmental/Red Angus steer champion over 26 others. The steer weighed 1,340 lbs and sold for $1.45/lb. to the Roblin Veterinary Clinic.


Johnstone Auction Mart 37th Annual Last Chance Bull Sale

May 26, 2009 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
6 Two Year Old Charolais Bulls $10,850 $1808
12 Yearling Charolais Bulls $24,850 $2071
18 Charolais Lots $35,700 $1983

Total Sale 98 Bulls of Six Breeds Averaged $2,039

Johnstone Auction Mart 37th Annual Last Chance Bull Sale

May 26, 2009 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
6 Two Year Old Charolais Bulls $10,850 $1808
12 Yearling Charolais Bulls $24,850 $2071
18 Charolais Lots $35,700 $1983

Total Sale 98 Bulls of Six Breeds Averaged $2,039


Cornerstone Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale

April 18, 2009 Whitewood, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
21 Yearling Charolais Bulls $74,900 $3567
21 Lots $74,900 $3567

High Selling Yearling Bulls GBR Total 134U, sired by G. Bros. Standout 8S, out of a Belmont’s Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Cedarlea Charolais, Hodgeville. Consigned by Brimner Cattle Co., Manor.   GBR Sargeant 124U, sired by GBR Nitro 9R, out of a 4-G Grand Prix 229M daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Fischer Charolais, Irma, AB. Consigned by Brimner Cattle Co.


JTA Diamond Charolais Bull Sale April 18, 2009 Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
9 Yearling Bulls $20,250 $2250
9 Lots $20,250 $2250


Cedardale Charolais Bull & Female Sale April 18, 2009 Nestleton, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
23 Yearling Bulls $90,400 $3930
23 Lots $90,400 $3930
15 Yearling Heifers $37,075 $2472

High Selling Yearling Bulls Cedardale Unequalled 36U, sired by LT Silver Value 2112 P, out of a Baldridge Fasttrack 82F daughter. Sold for $7,000 to John Carrick, Orillia.

Cedardale Unity 11U, sired by DBAR Survivor 220M, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Ed O’Brien, Shawville, QC.

Cedardale Universale 37U, sired by LT Wyoming Wind, out of a Sharp Hills 206J daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Oattes Charolais, Cobden.


Neilson Cattle Company Bull Sale April 17,2009 Yorkton, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
15 Two-Year Old Bulls $35,550 $2370
15 Lots $35,550 $2370


Quebec Charolais Test Station Sale

Station Lot Gross $ Average $
Lac-St-Jean 7 $24,400 $3486
St Martin 31 $117,250 $3,782
Asbestos 1 24 $59,600 $2,483
Vinoy 10 $24,150 $2415
Quyon 11 $35,100 $3191
St Odile 14 $39,450 $2818


South East Sask. Breeders Bull Sale

April 11, 2009 • Langbank, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
29 Yearling Bulls $72,550 $2902
29 Lots $72,550 $2902

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 18, McTavish Heisman 65U, sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a KBK Dillinger 13L daughter. Sold for $6,250 to D & L Plewis Farms, Swift Current. Consigned by McTavish Charolais, Moosomin.   Lot 15, McTavish Leeroy 61U, sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a KBK Dillinger 13L daughter. Sold for $4,500 to John Van Eaton, Maryfield. Consigned by McTavish Charolais.   Lot 25, McTavish Realastate 42U, sired by MNE Park Model 50P, out of a JDDM Night Life 728G daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie, QC. Consigned by McTavish Charolais.


Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale April 11, 2009 • Campbellford, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Two-Year Old Bulls $8800 $2200
17 Yearling Bulls $41,850 $2461
21 Lots $50,650 $2412


Northern Powerpac Bull & Heifer Sale

April 11, 2009 • New Liskeard, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
16 Yearling Bulls $46,800 $2925
16 Lots $46,800 $2925

High Selling Yearling Bulls BPL Urbana, sired by LT Rio Blanco. Sold for $3,900 to Stan & Beth West, Bruce Mines. Consigned by Potter’s Golden Meadow Farms, Earlton.

ABC Charlie 23U, sired by Uno Park 25R out of an ABC Shyster 1N daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Manon Perrault, St-Felix Dalquier, QC. Consigned by Ranch du Coyote, QC.


Dim Creek Farms Bull Sale

April 10, 2009 • Whitewood, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $4350 $2175
8 Yearling Bulls $16,200 $2025
10 Lots $20,550 $2055



Size Matters Bull Sale

April 9, 2009 • Canora, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
24 Yearling Bulls $69,100 $2879
24 Lots $69,100 $2879

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 12, HC Usher 823U, sired by CS Pld Junction 4J, out of a Sparrows

Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora.

Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.

Lot 29, SHSHS Memphis 57U, sired by LT Western Edge 4057, out of an HC

Maverick 214M daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Triple S Charolais, Beaverlodge,

AB. Consigned by Sliding Hills Charolais


Top Cut Bull Sale

April 7, 2009 • Mankota, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Two-Year Old Bulls $12,900 $3225
26 Yearling Bulls $75,500 $2903
30 Lots $88,400 $2947

High Selling Two-Year-Old Bull Lot 30, Cedarlea Tahoe 61T, sired by CSS Show Boat 5J, out of an HTA Spirit Pld 826H daughter. Sold for $3,900 to Kevin Forwood, Wood Mountain. Consigned by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville.   High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 12, Cedarlea Uniform 27U, sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of aGMC Sir Winston 3K daughter. Sold for $3,700 to Crook’s Farms, Lafleche. Consigned by Cedarlea Farms.   Lot 27, Cedarlea Utica 69U, sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of a Robinlea Terminator 5A daughter. Sold for $3,700 to Roger Kress, Mankota. Consigned by Cedarlea Farms.


North of the 49th Bull SaleApril 6, 2009 • Halbrite, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $21,200 $4240
49 1/2 Yearling Bulls $270,400 $5463
54 1/2 Lots $291,600 $5350

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 2, JWX Silver Buckle 524U, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a Montana Silver daughter. Sold for $40,000 to Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale, MB; White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw; Bar J Charolais, Amaranth, MB & Donald Bretescher, Toutes Aide, MB.

Lot 6, SRK Solid 12U, sired by JS Hansome 114M, out of an MSW Y2K daughter. Sold for $15,000 to KCH Charolais, Rapid City, MB. Co-consigned with Sand Rose Charolais, Fort Qu’Appelle.

Lot 1, JWX Reality Red 73U, sired by Crystal D Pierce 40P, out of an MSW Y2K daughter. Sold for $13,250 to C2 Charolais, LaRiviere, MB & Grant Farms, Bowden, AB.

Lot 20, JWX Bronze 32U, sired by Harvie Redemption 36P, out of a Wrangler Headliner 28N daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB & HEJ Charolais, Innisfail, AB.

Lot 3, JWX Quiksilver 421U, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Diamond R Stock Farm, Wawota; Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale & Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake.

Lot 4, JWX Sterling Silver 313U, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a Beck’s Krypto 3L daughter.

Sold for $10,000 to D & D Charolais, Carlyle.


Souris Valley Breeders Bull Sale

April 6, 2009 • Melita, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bull $9900 $3300
21 Yearling Bulls $57,575 $2742
24 Lots $67,475 $2811

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 3, Erixon’s Wallace 14U, sired by HBC Pursuit 513R, out of an SVS

Jack-Pot 8J daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Clint Marchant, Cartwright.

Consigned by Erixon Charolais, Lyleton.


Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale

April 5, 2009 • Virden, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Two-Year Old Bull $3800 $3800
18 3/4 Yearling Bulls $76,900 $4101
19 3/4 Lots $80,700 $4086

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 19, Tri-N Cracker Jack 370U, sired by Val-End Appraiser 24J, out of a Tri-N Payday 419P daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Bremner Charolais, Dauphin & Valley’s End Ranch, Central Butte, SK. Consigned by Tri-N Stock Farm, Lenore.   Lot 1, Beaver Creek Ultimate 3U, sired by Merit 77K, out of a Beaver Creek Red Hot 222K daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Destiny Cattle Co., Moosehorn. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden.   Lot 24, Tri-N Undreamabull 817U, sired by SOS Crimson Tide 97S, out of an SDC Laredo 17N daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Springer Charolais, Ashern. Consigned by Tri-N Stock Farm.


Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale

April 4, 2009 • Douglas, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
28 2/5 Yearling Bulls $82,600 $2908
28 2/5 Lots $82,600 $2908

High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 701, HTA Scorpio 874U, sired by Dim Creek Dividend 43M, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $12,200 to Rawe Ranches, Strome, AB. Consigned by HTA Charolais, Rivers.


Saunders/Andermar Bull Sale April 4, 2009 Keady, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $8700 $2900
38 Yearling Bulls $124,950 $3288
41 Lots $133,650 $3260

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 25, ACC Prestige 825U, sired by MXS Vermillion 527R, out of RLTC Miss Trim 14C. Sold for $8,100 to McKeary Charolais, Compeer, AB. Consigned by Andemar Cattle Co., St. Mary’s.   Lot 18, JSR Ultimate 40U, sireed by winn Man’s Pistol 615S, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Where Eagles Soar Charolais, Markdale. Consigned by Saunders Charolais, Markdale.   Lot 13, JSR Usher 32U, sired by SVY Freedom Pld 307N, out of a JSR Style Man 3A daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Where Eagles Soar Charolais. Consigned by Saunders Charolais.


Maritime Beef Cattle Test Station Sale

April 4, 2009 • Nappan, NS

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
15 Yearling Bulls $40,950 $2730
15 Lots $40,950 $2730



4-G Charolais Bull Sale

April 3, 2009 • Yorkton, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
13 Two-Year Old Bulls $33,600 $2585
17 Yearling Bulls $38,900 $2288
30 Lots $72,500 $2417

High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 19, 4-G Payment 246U, sired by 4-G Payday 19P, out of a 4-G Fireball 158L daughter. Sold for $3,750 to Lionel Woytas, Jedbourgh.


Blue Collar Charolais Bull Sale

April 1, 2009 • Veteran, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $12,275 $2454
35 Yearling Bulls $81,625 $2332
40 Lots $93,800 $2345

High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 7, McKearys Red Nitro 23U, sired by ACC Full Blown Nitro 619S, out of a Charwald Bronze 33K daughter. Sold for $3,750 to Schetzsle Marketing, Veteran. Consigned by McKeary Charolais, Compeer, AB.


Prime Cut Bull Sale April 1, 2009 • Irma, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
20 Two-Year Old Bulls $56,700 $2835
8 Yearling Bulls $18,400 $2300
28 Lots $75,100 $2682


White Cap/Rosso Charolais Bull Sale

April 1, 2009 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
23 Two-Year Old Bulls $72,150 $3136
19 Yearling Bulls $55,700 $2931
41 Lots $127,850 $3118

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 32, Whitecap Courage 56U, sired by Merit 6013S, out of a Chardel Sabre 11K daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach & Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. Consigned by White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw.   High Selling Two-Year-Old Bull Lot 1, Rosso Talli 68T, sired by Rosso Zephyr 27N, out of a Fontenay daughter. Sold for $4,600 to White Cap Charolais. Consigned by Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw.


Merit Cattle Co. Bull Sale

March 30, 2009 • Radville, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
37 Yearling Bulls $121,200 $3276
37 Lots $121,200 $3276

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 36, Merit 8789U, sired by HTA Rhapsody 390N, out of a Winn Mans JD 338N daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth.   Lot 6, Merit 8555U, sired by Winn Mans JD 338N, out of an ABC Caja Quebrada daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Walkeden Farms, Tribune.


Murphy Livestock Charolais & Angus Bull Sale

March 29,2009 • Bonnyville, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
23 Two-Year Old Bulls $69,250 $3010
23 Lots $69,250 $3010


Best of The Breeds Bull Sale

March 29, 2009 Leross, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
16 1/2 Yearling Bulls $58,100 $3521
16 1/2 Lots $58,100 $3521

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 8, HBC Encore 834U, sired by RPJ En-V 625S, out of a JWK Impressive D040 daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor. Consigned by

Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake.

Lot 5, HBC Revive 820U, sired by RPJ En-V 625S, out of a LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter. Sold for $7,700 to N3 Stock Farm, Admiral. Consigned by

Harcourt Charolais.

Lot 18, Dogpatch Revolution 61U, sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of an MGM Merlot daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Temple Farms, Carrot River.

Consigned by Dog Patch Acres, Leroy.


CSS Charolais Bull Sale

March 28, 2009 Paynton, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
43 Yearling Bulls $121,300 $2821
43 Lots $121,300 $2821

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 42, CSS Sir Gridmaker 107U, sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S, out of an HTA Stockman Pld 534E. Sold for $5,100 to Box Anchor Farms, Dewberry, AB.


Alameda Bull Sale

March 28, 2009 Alameda, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $5700 $2850
33 Yearling Bulls $102,900 $3118
35 Lots $108,600 $3103

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 53, Beck’s Kaboom 803U, sired by Sparrows Authentic 6S, out of a WCR Prime Cut daughter. Sold for $6,400 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. Consigned by Beck Farms, Lang.   Lot 34, Gilliland Monarch 236U, sired by SVS Mastercard 2M, out of an HTA Caterpillar 610F daughter. Sold for $6,300 to Blaine Brokenshire and Curtis Phillips, Estevan. Consigned by Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.


Southland Breeders Bull Sale March 28, 2009 Rockglen, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
24 Yearling Bulls $54,850 $2285
24 Lots $54,850 $2285


Forsyth Bros. & Tee M Jay Charolais Bull Sale

March 28, 2009 Ashern, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
32 Yearling Bulls $109,100 $3409
32 Lots $109,100 $3409

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 22, FFBB Lariet Pld 828U, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a SOS Mr Valentine Pld 39M daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB & Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Consigned by Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale.

Lot 32, FFBB Scorpion Pld 864U, sired by Elder’s Stinger 115S, out of a SOS Mr Valentine Pld 39M daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Cedarview Charolais, Farrellton, QC. Consigned by Forsyth Bros. Charolais.   Lot 17, FFBB Kracker Pld 806U, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a Sparrow Wisdom 335K daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB. Consigned by Forsyth Bros. Charolais.


PIC Bull Sale March 28, 2009 Listowel, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
6 Yearling Bulls $14,750 $2458
6 Lots $14,750 $2458


Stauffer Land & Livestock 2009 Rancher’s Select Bull Sale

March 27, 2009 • Eckville, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $10,400 $3467
28 Yearling Bulls $93,300 $3332
31 Lots $103,700 $3345


Diamond W Charolais Bull Sale

March 26, 2009 Minitonas, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Two-Year Old Bulls $3250 $3250
25 Yearling Bulls $68,050 $2722
26 Lots $71,300 $2742

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 28, Diamond W Redvar 78U, sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Granadas Red Ace 17B daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Pleasant Dawn Farms, Oak Lake.   Lot 27, Diamond W Top Gun 76U, sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie, QC.


Hi-Weigh Breeders Bull Sale

March 25, 2009 • Neepawa, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $9800 $3267
39 3/4 Yearling Bulls $165,950 $4175
42 3/4 Lots $175,750 $4111

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 26, HTA Senator 8130U, sired by Merit 5323R, out of a Dim Creek Dividend 43M daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie, QC; Ferme MCB Charolais, Roxton-Pond, QC and Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais, Rivers.   Lot 14, HTA Mojo 866U, sired by Sparrows Durango 585P, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daugher. Sold for $8,400 to Rawes Ranches, Strome, AB. Consigned by HTA Charolais.


Double L Ranch 23rd Annual Bull Sale

March 23, 2009 • Innisfail, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
39 Yearling Bulls $140,550 $3603
39 Lots $140,550 $3603

High Selling Bulls

Lot 42 LLW EASY PLD 47U (Polled, Red Factor), Sired by Gilliland Contender 18P, Out of a Bar J Jugurtha 8J daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Reese’s Cattle Co. Olds.

Lot 11 MLW RANGE BOSS PLD 28U (Polled, Red Factor), Sired by HTA Quantum PLD 26R, Out of a LLW Grand Slam PLD 120J daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Langstaff Charolais, Wallaceburg, ON.


North West Bull Sale

March 23, 2009 • North Battleford, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Two-Year Old Bulls $2000 $2000
6 Yearling Bulls $15,950 $2658
7 Lots $17,950 $2564

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 44, DPS Trailblazer 34U, sired by MXS Karma 308N, out of a Pro-Char Guage 7L daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Dan Leclare, Edam. Consigned by Swistun Charolais, North Battleford.

Lot 41, DPS Eveready 17U, sired by MXS Karma 308N, out of a KC Stolichnaya daughter. Sold for $3,700 to Barber Land & Cattle, Biggar. Consigned by Swistun Charolais


North Central Charolais Breeders Bull Sale

March 21, 2009 •

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
8 Two-Year Old Bulls $48,250 $6031
21 Yearling Bulls $105,250 $5011
29 Lots $153,500 $5293

High Selling Bulls

Lot 14 PRO-CHAR MONGO 57U, Sired by Stutheits Sonny 603S, Out of a HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $23,000 To Chomiak Charolais, Mundare. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis.

Lot 2 PRO-CHAR MAXIMUM 79T, Sired by Wrangler Headliner 28N, Out of a Sterling Hoss’ Honer 1H daughter. Sold for $15,250 to Effertz Key Ranch, Velva, ND. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis.


SanDan Charolais Farms Annual Bull Sale

March 21,2009 • Erskine , AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
12 Two-Year Old Bulls $34,300 $2858
4 Long Yearling Bulls $11,900 $2975
33 Yearling Bulls $102,950 $3119
49 Lots $149,150 $3043

High Selling bull

Lot 8 SDC TRIPLE THREAT 852U, Sired by Wrangler Doubleshot 11S, Out of a 2UP Peugeot daughter. Sold for$7,200 to Tim Marlatt,Gordon, NE.


Lanoie Bros. Charolais Bull Sale

March 21, 2009 Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $5500 $2750
30 Yearling Bulls $62,450 $2082
32 Lots $67,950 $2123


Bar J Charolais Bull Sale

March 21, 2009 • Ste. Rose, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
22 Yearling Bulls $58,800 $2673
22 Lots $58,800 $2673

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 15, Bar J Vintage 131U, sired by LT Predictable Wind 2079, out of a Sparrows Alliance 19R daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Qualman Charolais, Dundurn, SK.

Lot 21, Bar J Valentine 143U, sired by FFBB Rayden Pld 5108R, out of a Southern Prairie Mr 8K daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Curtis Zdan, Alonsa.


P-3 Charolais Ranch Bull Sale

March 20, 2009 • Medicine Hat, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $4500 $2250
33 Yearling Bulls $87,000 $2636
35 Lots $91,500 $2514


Northern Alliance Bull Sale

March 20, 2009 Spiritwood, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
36 Yearling Bulls $101,200 $2811
36 Lots $101,200 $2811

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 17, MXS Marathon 849U, sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Fawcett Charolais, Consort, AB and Footprint Farms, Esther, AB. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush.

Lot 3, MXS Optimum 813U, sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co.


Loewen Charolais and Guests Bull Sale

March 19, 2009 • Brooks, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
22 Two-Year Old Bulls $82,400 $3745
23 Yearling Bulls $61,100 $2657
45 Lots $143,500 $3188


Buffalo Lake Charolais & Shorthorns Annual Bull Sale

March 19, 2009 • Stettler , AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
10 Two-Year Old Bulls $33,700 $3370
24 Yearling Bulls $80,200 $3341
34 Lots $113,900 $3350

High Selling Bulls

Lot 25 BLC BOLT 43U, Sired by RGP Senator 761S, Out of a MSW Craven Red 29M daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Merv Teows, Stettler.


Full French Charolais Classic Bull Sale

March 19, 2009 • Olds , AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
6 Two-Year Old Bulls $17,000 $2833
4 Yearling Bulls $10,450 $2612
10 Lots $27,450 $2745


Family Tradition Bull Sale

March 19, 2009 • Dropmore, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $13,400 $2680
40 1/4 Yearling Bulls $159,700 $3968
45 1/4 Lots $173,100 $3825

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, HBSF Specialist 108U (National Champion Bull), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of RLTC Miss Trim 14C. Sold for $30,000 to P-3 Charolais, Medicine Hat, AB; Cougar Hill Ranch, Melville, SK; Martens Charolais, Boissevain & Land O’ Lakes Charolais, Madoc, ON. Consigned by High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis.

Lot 51, Rolling D Classic 878U, sired by HTA Pursuit 640S, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $7,900 to Kay-R Charolais, Waskataneau, AB. Consigned by Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore.


Winn Man Farms Bull Sale

March 17, 2009 • Winnipegosis, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
26 Yearling Bulls $88,100 $3388
26 Lots $88,100 $3388

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, Winn Mans Vinaza 815U, sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a RMR Cohiba daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB.

Lot 9, Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U, sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out ofa Sparrows Solstice 18K daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Wood River Charolais, McCord, SK and Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK.


Regina Bull Sale

March 16, 2009 • Regina, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
21 1/2 Yearling Bulls $77,900 $3623
21 1/2 Lots $77,900 $3623

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 43, Elder’s Diego 815U, sired by Bar J Silverado14S, out of a MSW Craven Red 29M daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Prairie Sky Charolais, Avonlea. Consigned by Elder Charolais, Coronach.

Lot 46, Elder’s Special Edition 835U, sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an A-Jay’s Mercury 73D daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Consigned by Elder Charolais.


Velda Rose Bull Sale

March 15, 2009 Killarney, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
10 Two-Year Old Bulls $24,000 $2400
20 Yearling Bulls $49,000 $2450
30 Lots $73,000 $2433


Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale

March 14, 2009 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Two-Year Old Bulls $14,900 $3725
35 3/4 Yearling Bulls $111,250 $3112
39 3/4 Lots $126,150 $3174

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 8, LAE Blue Collar 820U, sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 P, out ot a M6 Grid Maker 104 daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont.

Lot 2, LAE Blue Sky 806U, sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 P, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.


Northern Classic Bull Sale

March 13, 2009 • Grand Prairie, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
13 Yearling Bulls $40,950 $3150
13 Lots $40,950 $3150

High Selling Bulls

Lot 69 JDFJ PLAYBOY 85U (Polled, BW 102lbs), Sired by LT Bluegrass 4017P, Out of a LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Grant Farms, Bowden.

Lot 77 JDF MOLSO 117U (Polled, BW 105lbs), Sired by Stauffers Backyard 106M, Out of a Sparrows Advantage 230H daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Jim Pulyk, Vermillion.


A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale

March 13, 2009 • Vanscoy, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $14,800 $4933
38 2/5 Yearling Bulls $223,700 $5826
41 2/5 Lots $238,500 $5761

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, Sparrows Fargo 811U, sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $37,000 for 3/4 interest to Wells Charolais, Conde, SD.

Lot 16, Sparrows Panama 826U, sired by Lopez, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $19,000 for 2/3 interest to Beck Farms, Lang.


Valley Charolais Bull Sale

March 12, 2009 • Armstrong, BC

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
24 Yearling Bulls $64,600 $2692
24 Lots $64,600 $2692

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 17, RRTS Diamond 30U, sired by SVY Freedom, out of an HTA Skyliter daughter. Sold for $4,700 to Murray Andrews, Lumby.

Lot 21, RRTS Bronson 35U, sired by SVY Freedom, out of a SVY Guardian daughter. Sold for $3,600 to Art Chambers, Lumby.


Charolais Power 2009

March 12, 2009 • Veteran, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
71 Two-Year Old Bulls $226,100 $3184
21 Yearling Bulls $70,800 $3371
92 Lots $296,900 $3227

High Selling Bulls

Lot 19 FOOTPRINT SIR 835U. Sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a NAV Diplomat 2D daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Semex. Consigned by Footprint Farms, Esther.

Lot 70 FAWCETTS HANK 2T, Sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, Out of a HFCC PLD Chrome 51L daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Cory Donath, Consort.


Pride of the Prairies 90 th Annual Bull Sale

March 9, 2009 • Lloydminster , SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $14,100 $2820
17 Yearling Bulls $48,800 $2870
22 Lots $62,900 $2859

High Selling Bull

Lot 48 SVY Providence PLD 838U, Sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, Out of a DYV Clearcut 14H daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Hammelgarn Farms. Consigned by Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont.


Pleasant Dawn Farms Bull Sale

March 9, 2009 Virden, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Mature Bull $4000 $4000
7 Two-Year Old Bulls $23,550 $3364
31 2/3 Yearling Bulls $85,100 $2687
39 2/3 Lots $112,650 $2840

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 24, Pleasant Dawn Patriot 730U, sired by Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P, out of a Pleasant Dawn Chaps 10H daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Merit Cattle Co., Radville, SK.

Lot 17, Pleasant Dawn 704U, sired by Pleasant Dawn Aragorn 2P, out of a Pleasant Dawn Ganster 739J daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Toad Hill Charolais, Charlottown, PE.


Perrot-Martin Bull Sale

March 7,2009 • Kelvington, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
15 Two-Year Old Bulls $55,450 $3697
33 Yearling Bulls $100,950 $3059
48 Lots $156,400 $3258

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 13, KCM Notorious 819U, sired by RPJ En-V 625S, out of a Baldridge Fasttrack 82F daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Morris Hubbard, Blaine Lake.


35 th Annual High Country Bull Sale

March 7,2009 • Pincher Creek, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
28 Two-Year Old Bulls $87,650 $3130
11 Yearling Bulls $34,400 $3127
39 Lots $122,050 $3129

High Selling Bull

Lot 62 JS TOP DOG 13T, Sired by DBAR Twister 404P, Out of a JS Hansome 114M daughter. Sold for $4,400 to Link Farms. Consigned by Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek.


Coughlin Elected Ontario Charolais President

Brian Coughlin of Cobden was elected president of the Ontario Charolais Association at their Annual General meeting held March 7, 2009 at Cambridge, ON. Gord Tomlinson, Norwood was elected Vice-President and Doris Aitken stayed on as Secretary/Treasurer. Newly elected to the board of directors was Ryan Nesbitt of Nestleton. Gord and Shauneen Tomlinsonof Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood won the OCA Recognition Award and Charlie and Linda Barker presented a cheque for $2,500 to the Ontario Charolais Youth Association from the Zone 6 Breeders.


Nish Charolais Bull Sale

March 6, 2009 • Lethbridge, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
9 Two-Year Old Bulls $28,200 $3133
32 Yearling Bulls $100,000 $3125
41 Lots $128,200 $3126


Louber Farms Bull Sale

March 6,  2009 • Sainte-Marie de Beauce, QC

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
30 Yearling Bulls $127,350 $4245
30 Lots $127,350 $4245

High Selling Yearling Bulls

LOUB 497T, sired by EC No Doubt, out of an Impair daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Ferme Timay, Saint-Gérard, Laurentides.

LOUB 454T, sired by LT Bluegrass, out of a Louber Skymont daughter. Sold for $7,400 to Jean-Guy Godbout, Poularies, Abitibi.


Calgary Bull Sale

March 5, 2009 • Calgary, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
23 Two-Year Old Bulls $94,900 $4126
7 Yearling Bulls $16,450 $2350
30 Lots $111,350 $3711


Maple Leaf Charolais Bull Sale

March 4, 2009 • Ponoka , AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $7600 $2533
28 Long Yearling Bulls $65,300 $2332
2 Yearling Bulls $4400 $2200
33 Lots $77,300 $2342


Progressive Genetics Bull Sale

February 27, 2009 • Innisfail, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $7600 $2533
41 Yearling Bulls $119,350 $2910
44 Lots $126,950 $2885

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 46, GERRARD DIEGO 18U (Polled,BW 95lbs, 39cm, 1440lbs), sired by JDJ Smokester J1377, out of an HFCC PLD Evolution 5L daughter. Sold for $5,900 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB. Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co., Innisfail.

Lot 44, GERRARD PREACHER 31U (Polled, BW 102lbs, 39cm, 1510lbs), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of a SVY Bedrock 816H daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Kirby Holeim, ND. Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co. Innisfail.


Rawes Ranches 26 th Annual Performance Tested Bull Sale

February 17, 2009 • Strome, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
72 Two-Year Old Bulls $292,100 $4065
72 Lots $292,100 $4065

High Selling Bulls

Lot 40 RAWES ADEN 164T (Polled, BW 104lbs, SC 42cm), Sired by HRR Adens 8M, Out of a ABC Ultro Mac 1134H daughter. Sold for $7,800 to White Lake Colony, Barons.

Lot 72 RAWES AERO 285T (Scurred, BW 115lbs, SC 38cm), Sired by Rawes Jamboree 103P, Out of a Rawes Sir CoCo 83w daughter. Sold for $6,300 to White Lake Colony, Barons.


Hill 70 Quantock “Barn Burnin” Bull Sale

Feb. 7, 2009 • Lloydminster, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
26 Two-Year Old Bulls $93,000 $3577
20 Yearling Bulls $58,600 $2930
46 Lots $151,600 $3296

High Seller – $4,600


SVY Worldwide Pld 621S wins US National ShowSVY Worldwide Pld 621S by SVY Freedom Pld 307N and exhibited by Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont, Saskatchewan won the 40th US National Show January 31st in Fort Worth, Texas. In the National Sale the day before the show 1/2 interest and full possession in Worldwide sold for $18,000 to Hubert Charolais, Monument, Kansas and Wright Charolais, Richmond, Missouri.


MC Quantock “Canada’s Bull Sale

January 31, 2009 • Lloydminster, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
23 Two-Year Old Bulls $82,100 $3570

Top of $5,300