A Charcross steer exhibited by Cassidy Serhienko of Maymont, SK topped 96 steers to win the Saskatoon 4-H regional show. The steer weighing 1,451 lbs. sold for $4.10/lb. to Moody’s Farm Equipment and Bourgault Industries. A silver Charcross steer shown by Shae-Lynn Evans, Kenaston won the light weight division weighing 1,236 lbs. and sold for $2.00/lb. to Millsap Fuel Distibutors, Kenaston.
Shae-Lynn also had Reserve Grand Champion female with LAE Sassy Sanchez 906W and her Eldorado bull calf LAE Yes-Man 138Y. There were 66 females shown and the judge for both shows on July 10th & 11th was Dennis Erickson.