

November 27, 2011

Rollin Acres/Cedarlea, CSS & Char-Mo Win Agribition Show

JSR Juniper 32X sired by SVY Freedom 307N and exhibited by Rollin Acres Charolais, Shelburne, ON was selected Grand Champion Female at the Canadian Western Agribition Show November 25 in Regina, SK. Judge Darren Paget slapped Gerrard Evetta 2Y sired by Gerrard Montezuma 6T from Gerrard Cattle Co., Innisfail, AB as the Reserve Grand Champion Female.
CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S exhibited by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; CSS Charolais, Paynton & Char-Mo Charolais, Leduc, AB was named Grand Champion Bull of this 106 entry show. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was SVY Liberty 128Y sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W from Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co., Maymont & Kay R Charolais, Waskateneau, AB.