

December 15, 2011

Bar Punch Ranch Complete Dispersal

December 12, 2011 Medicine Hat, AB
Gross          Average
17 Cow/Calf Pairs      $78,175     $4,598
10 Bred Cows             30,600       3,060
3 Bred Heifers             5,350        1,783
2.5 Mature Bulls         18,400        7,360
1 Two Year Old Bull      2,600        2,600
4 Yearling Bulls           10,600        2,650
37.5 Lots                  $145,725     $3,886

High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs
Lot 202, JR MISS CADET YOYO 612S, sired by JR Cadet’s Image 404P. Sold for $3,200 to Maple Leaf Charolais, Falun.
Lot 202A, BAR PUNCH POL YOYO 153Y, sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 8119U. Sold for $3,500 to Maple Leaf Charolais.
Lot 204, G4 ACRES AZALEI 171S, sired by LIG Nacil 3N. Sold for $3,800 to Stephen Charolais Farm, Moosomin, SK.
Lot 204A, BAR PUNCH VAL 123Y, sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 8119U. Sold for $2,700 to Maple Leaf Charolais.
Lot 212, DWK TAMMY 3T, sired by Muscat. Sold for $4,000 to Maple Leaf Charolais.
Lot 212A, BAR PUNCH TANIS 154Y, sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 8119U. Sold for $2,000 to Maple Leaf Charolais.
High Selling Mature Bull
Lot 240, MAPLE LEAF BAR PUNCH 901W, sired by Virgil. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $11,000 to Maple Leaf Charolais.