

October 30, 2013

Feeder calf sales in Ontario strong

The string of calf sales at Keady Livestock in Ontario have been very strong with the Bruce Penisula  group selling over 1,150 steers and heifers with the steers averaging about $1,150 and the heifers about $950.

Here are the results of the Georgian Bay group from the sale October 29th with some early born $1,300 steers

10 Tan Str 396@237.00
16 Char Str 433@224.00
18 Char Hfr 423@191.00
22 White Hfr 450@192.00
36 Tan Hfr 587@159.00
40 Tan Str 600@183.50
28 White Str 644@185.00
28 Tan Hfr 558@168.00
17 Tan Str 764@170.75
23 Char Hfr 503@180.00
36 Tan Str 635@186.25
36 White Hfr 643@156.50
39 White Str 589@189.00
36 White Str 503@212.00
39 Tan Str 686@180.50
21 White Hfr 499@185.00
27 Tan Str 542@194.00
12 White Hfr 559@175.00
15 White Str 775@167.50
27 White Str 698@181.50
26 White Hfr 554@173.00
46 Tan Hfr 651@153.50
24 White Str 541@197.00
22 White Str 756@175.75
28 White Hfr 593@158.00
13 Red Str 547@180.00
8 Red Hfr 473@148.00
20 Red Str 639@174.50
11 Red Hfr 557@151.50
6 Red Str 801@167.75
14 Red Hfr 690@127.50
12 White Hfr 715@153.00
12 Char Hfr 595@155.00
19 Char Hfr 658@152.50
9 White Str 443@217.00
22 Char Hfr 547@167.00
8 Char Str 510@189.50
14 Char Str 547@191.00
8 Char Str 598@174.75
11 Char Str 645@182.25
11 Char Str 827@170.75
17 Red Str 461@189.00
7 Char X Hfr 348@194.00
10 Tan Hfr 407@197.00
11 Tan Hfr 477@189.00
21 Char Hfr 759@147.00
23 Tan Hfr 696@153.50