The Manitoba Charolais Association is having a semen auction to offset some of the costs of the Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting held this weekend in their province. The semen auction will be held at the Friday evening Bar-B-Que at HTA Charolais. If you unable to attend but would like to participate, just give Helge a call on his cell 306.536.4261 or Andre 204.750.1951
On offer:
Choice of 5 straws of either HTA Challenge 161Y or RGP Remington 101Y donated by HTA Charolais
5 straws of Sparrows Seminole 927W donated by Steppler Farms
5 straws of SHSH HD 14y donated by High Bluff Stock Farm
2 straws of TR Mr Fire Water 5792R ET donated by Hunter Charolais
2 straws of WC Benelli 2134P ET donated by Happy Haven Charolais
5 straws of KCH Medicine Man 7Z donated by KCH Charolais
Choice of 5 straws of either TRI-N Prefix 54Y or MVY Xplorer 21X donated by Tri-N Charolais