EMB Seduction 67C, sired by Echo Springs Webster 8W from EMB Charolais, Hawkestone was named Grand Champion Female of the Renfrew (ON) Fair Charolais BOSS Show, September 11th. Judge Reid Crawford, Glencoe then chose JSR Jasmine 5B, sired by HTA Vegas 134Y and her Sparrows Barlow 254Z heifer calf at side from Cornerview Charolais, Cobden as his Res. Champion Female of this 39 entry show. SOS Chuckwagon 54C, sired by Silverstream Geddes G102 from Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB; McKeary Charolais, Compeer, AB & Big Johnson Charolais, Amisk, AB was slapped Grand Champion Bull while Cornerview Diesel 35D by SVY Monument Pld 159Y was Res. Grand Champion Bull.