February 22, 2017 Milestone, SK
…………………………Gross Average
5 Two Year Old Bulls $29,250 $5,850
39 3/4 Yearling Bulls 263,250 6,622
44 3/4 Lots $292,500$6,536
High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 32, Beck’s Citation 615D, sired by Beck’s Bounty 206Z. Sold for $20,000 to Fern Charolais, Fassett, QC; A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy & Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB.
Lot 2, Beck’s Nebraska 634D, sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y. Sold for $14,000 to Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone.
Lot 33, Beck’s Gorge 608D, sired by Beck’s Bounty 206Z. Sold for $12,500 to Wirstuk Farming & Ranching Ltd, Cutknife.