

November 11, 2017

Prairie Cove Charolais/Daines Cattle O’Neill Livestock Win Farmfair

Grand Champion Female at this years Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB, November 10th was PZC Lily 5013 ET, sired by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET and her Sparrows Kingston 139Y heifer calf at side exhibited by Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw. Judges Layne and Paula Evans, Kenaston, SK selected CML Desirae 558C, sired by CML Distinction 318A with her MVY All Shook Up 18C heifer calf at side as Reserve Grand Champion Female, exhibited by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane. Grand Champion Bull of this 48 entry show was ONL Daddy Cool 4C, sired by JIL Thunder Roll 67Z, shown by Daines Cattle and O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, exhibited by Johnson Charolais, Barrhead.