

April 7, 2019

Vermillion Charolais Group Bull Sale

April 6, 2019
Vermillion, AB
……………………………Gross Average
64 Two-Year Old Bullls  $431,750 $6,746
17 Yearling Bulls                92,100   5,418
81 Lots                           $523,850 $6,467
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull
Lot 97 Lakeview Smooth Deal 82E, sired by LAE Smooth Deal 253Z. Sold for $16,500 to Leskow Ranching, Edgerton. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne.

High Selling Yearling Bull
Lot 83 Lakeview Kyser 41F, sired by MXS Kyser 528C. Sold for $11,000 to Bristow Ranching, Heinsburg. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais.