

October 1, 2019

Rollin’ Acres Charolais, George McCall, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle & BZBT Cattle Co. Win Lindsay

MVY Stella 20E, sired by MCF Bohannon 305A with her MVY Caous 64D heifer calf at side, exhibited by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur, & BZBT Cattle Co., Melancthon, was selected as Grand Champion Female at Lindsay (ON) Ex BOSS Show September 21st.  The Reserve Champion Female of this 53 entry show judged by Mike Early, Kerwood, was Cedardale Miss 84F, sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, exhibited by Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton. The Grand Champion Bull was Rollin’ Acres Emmett 37E, sired by SCF You Betcha 94Y, owned by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, George McCall, Annan, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley. The Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Rollin’ Acres Front Runner 38F, sired by SCF Gunner 317D, exhibited by Rollin’ Acres Charolais. Complete results will be in the October Charolais Banner.