Fondoak Foxy 2F, sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, owned by Fondoak Farm, Renfrew, ON was selected Grand Champion Female of the Expo Boeuf Charolais 28 head BOSS Show, October 12th in Victoriaville, QC. Judge Jean-Pierre Patry, Weedon, then chose POST Grace 819G, sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 819G, from MRF Charolais, Kingsey Falls, as his Reserve Grand Champion Female. Grand Champion Bull was MR Southview Zeal 60E, sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, from Southview Farm Ltd., Courtice, ON. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Blackbern Gavin 22G, sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, from Blackbern Charolais, Cobden, ON