December 10, 2019 Virden, MB
……………………… Gross Average
4 Cow/Calf Pairs $39,000 $9,750
25 Bred Heifers 133,600 5,344
16 Heifer Calves 69,000 4,313
45 Lots $241,600 $5,369
High Selling Cow/Calf Pair
Lot 5, Pleasantdawn Lady 17C, sired by Eatons Big Bud 10402 P, bred to CCC WC Resource. Sold for $7,000 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth, SK. Consigned by Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake.
Lot 5A, Pleasantdawn Lady 2710G, sired by Campbells Bombshell 15B. Sold for $4,000 to Peter Heins & Sons LTD., Diamond City, AB
High Selling Bred Heifer
Lot 3, Pick of High Bluff Bred Heifers. Sold for $13,500 to Dale McKay, Bandon. Consigned by High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis.
High Selling Heifer Calf
Lot 1, High Bluff Gabbana 61G, sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C, out of a SCR Triumph 2135 daughter. Sold for $10,500 to W2 Farms, Leroy, SK. Consigned by High Bluff Stock Farm.