

June 20, 2021

Phillips Elected CCA President

Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, AB was elected president of the Canadian Charolais Association at their board meeting June 18th in Calgary, AB. Shawn Airey, Rivers, MB moved up to 1st Vice-President and Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton, ON was newly elected to the executive committee as 2nd Vice-President. Mike Elder, Coronach, SK remains on the executive as Past-President after three years in the chair. Jeff Cavers, LaRiviere, MB was elected to the board in the member at large position replacing retiring director Jim Olson, Portage la Prairie, MB. Other board members include Mathieu Palerme, QC; Roger Maloney, ON; Darwin Rosso, SK; Lorne Lakusta & Rod McLeod, AB. Complete details will be in the August issue of the Charolais Banner.