

September 25, 2021

Cedardale Sweeps Lindsay Show

Cedardale Miss 44H, sired by WC Uncharted 7328 P, exhibited by Cedardale Farms, Nestleton was selected Grand Champion Female of the Lindsay (ON) Charolais (BOSS) Show, September 24th. Judge Jack Oattes of Cobden then chose MVY Barbra-Ann 2G, sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z with her TR CAG Caarbon Copy 7630E ET heifer calf at side from Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur as his Reserve Grand Champion Female of this 29 entry show. Grand Champion Bull and Supreme Champion over all breeds was Cedardale Jaguar 111J, sired by WC Milestone 5223P from Cedardale Farms. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Cedardale Jarvis 15J, sired by by SVY Wizard 707E also from Cedardale Farms.