

June 10, 2023

Airey Elected President of the CCA

Shawn Airey, Rivers, MB was elected President of the Canadian Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting held June 11th, 2023 in Innisfail, AB. Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton, ON moved to 1st Vice-President; Josh Taylor, Dunsford, ON is 2nd Vice-President and Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau went to Past-President. Rounding out the board of directors are Jeff Cavers, LaRiviere, MB; Rod McLeod, Rockyview County; Josh Redden, Windsor, NS; Darwin Rosso, Moose Jaw, SK; Armand Roy, St-Bernard Lacolle, QC; Travis Foot, Esther with Craig Scott being the General Manager. Complete details will be in the August Charolais Banner.