

September 20, 2023

McCord/Cornerview Win Renfrew Fair


CRG Miss Redeemed 4K, sired by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET, exhibited by McCord Farms, Carp was selected Grand Champion Female of the Renfrew, (ON) Charolais (BOSS) Show, September 9th. Judge Jennie Mutch, Vernon River, PEI then chose DMC McCord Miss Canada 1L, sired by CRG Outta Here 954G from McCord Farms as her Reserve Grand Champion Female of this 19 entry show. Grand Champion Bull was Cornerview Kickstart 59K, sired by Cedarlea Bandito 45G from Cornerview Charolais, Cobden. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Cornerview Laredo 7L, sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld from Cornerview Farms.