

September 23, 2024

Oattes/Rollin Acres Win Lindsay Fair

CRG Princess 53H, sired by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld with her TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET bull calf at side from Oattes Charolais, Cobden was Grand Champion Female of the 53 entry, Lindsay, ON (BOSS) Show. Reserve Grand Champion Female was EMB Gossip Girl 33M, sired by MCF Bohannon 305A from EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte as judged by Bob Goble, Alto, MI. Grand Champion Bull was WJS Ring Master 34L, sired by Legacys Grandmaster 63G exibited by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmar. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was Cedardale Maverick 97M, sired  by Cedardale Jaguar 111J from Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton.