

December 1, 2024

Serhienko & Steppler Win Agribition Charolais Show

SVY Covergirl 232K, sired by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld with her CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET heifer calf at side, exhibited by Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont was selected Grand Champion Female of the Agribition Charolais Show at Regina, SK, November 29th. Judges Brayden & Andie Schmidt, Disdsbury, AB then chose EVF Lily 338L, sired by SVY Trust 6H from Harvie Ranching Co. as the Reserve Grand Champion of this 118 head BOSS Show. Grand Champion Bull was Beck’s Throttle 201K, sired by DC/KCM Marksman E1145 PET, exhibited by Steppler Farms Ltd., Miami, MB. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was CKE Bankdraft 35M, sired by MVY Backdraft 35J from CK Stock Farms, Candiac.