

December 31, 2006

December 2006

Hi-Weigh Breeders and Guests Sale

December 16, 2006 • Brandon, MB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
21 Bred Heifers $57,200 $2724
12 Heifer Calves $23,150 $1929
33 Lots $80,350 $2435

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 1A, Beaver Creek Cutie 3R (2006 Manitoba Livestock Exp Grand Champion Female), sired by SDC Laredo 17N, out of a Beaver Creek Red Hot 222K daughter, bred to Shawnee Hagar 558R. Sold for $4,750 to Telfer Farms, Dauphin. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 22, Beaver Creek Sasha 247S, sired by Merit 77K, out of a Prairie Dawn Trademark 6C daughter. Sold for $4,000 to MBRHEO Cattle Co., Clifford, ON. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais.


Alliance 2006

December 14, 2006 • Yorkton, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
2 Cow/Calf Pairs $8850 $4425
22 Bred Heifers $58,775 $2672
9 Heifer Calves $16,400 $1822
4 Bull Calves $11,400 $2850
37 Lots $95,425 $2579

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 39, KCM Jackie 503R, sired by Rio Blanco, out of a Montana Marbler daughter, bred to No Doubt. Sold for $5,100 to Chomiak Charolais, Mundare, AB. Consigned by Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam.

Lot 43, JWX Rhianna 177R, sired by Campbells Bert, out of a Sparlyn Falcon daughter, bred to Craven Red. Sold for $4,250 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Consigned by Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.


Rairdan’s EXL Charolais Complete Dispersal

November 10, 2006 • Stettler, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
97 Cow/Calf Pairs $372,275 $3837
63 Bred Cows $118,150 $1875
26 Bred Heifers $55,250 $2125
5 Heifer Calves $6025 $1205
5 Bull Calves $9750 $1950
3 Herd Bulls $23,500 $7833
199 Lots $583,950 $2939

High Selling Lots

Lot 226 DBAR SURVIVOR 220M (Scurred, BW 3.2, YW 53) Sired by DBAR Baxter 4K, out of a HTA Frosty 328C daughter. Sold walking rights for $15,500 to Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co., Mount Forest, ON.

Lot 155 EXL JODI 952J (Horned, BW 2.8, YW 51, Bred to MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G), out of a Katmandu 200B daughter. Sold for $4400 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK.

Lot 155A EXL 620S (Polled, 110 lbs BW), Sired by EXL Trade Secret 154L. Sold for $6250 to Char-Wald Charolais, Altario.

Lot 34 EXL NONA 324N (Horned, BW 2.0, YW 32, TM 27) Sired by EC Bronson 204 Polled, out of a 2UP Peugeot daughter. Sold for $3950 to The Maples.

Lot 34A EXL 634S (Polled, 100 lb BW) Sired by DBAR Survivor 220M. Sold for $4800 to Sargent Farms, Mirror.


2006 Red Bonanza Sale

December 9, 2006 • Olds, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
10 Bred Heifers $23,850 $2385
9 Heifer Calves $23,050 $2561
19 1/4 Bull Calves $80,500 $4181
38 1/4 Lots $127,400 $3330

High Selling Lots

Lot 5 WRANGLER FRONTLINE 10S (Polled, 1260 lbs, BW 94 lbs) Sired by Pro-Char Maxim 38N, out of a Westdale Murdock PLD 24M daughter. Sold for $8400 to White Lake Colony, Barrons. Consigned by Wrangler Charolais, Westlock.

Lot 2 LA FETCHEN RED 16S (Polled, 1230 lbs, BW 92 lbs) Sired by Belmont’s Sonar 3N, out of a HFCC PLD Bond 19L daughter. Sold for $7500 to GMC Charolais, Falun. Consigned by LA Land & Cattle Co., Leduc.

Lot 54 JS RUMERHASIT 171S (Polled, 1050 lbs, BW 93 lbs, Champion Female) Sired by JS Hansome 114M, out of a JS Merit’s Chiefton 226K daughter. Sold for $6000 to Johnson Charolais, Barrhead. Consigned by Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek.


Stauffer’s Genetic Difference III 2006

December 8, 2006 • Eckville, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
1 Bred Cow $2300 $2300
15 Bred Heifers $38,550 $2570
6 Heifer Calves $13,950 $2325
22 Lots $54,800 $2490

High Selling Lots

Lot 22 STAUFFERS MISS ARIEL 89R (Polled, BW 2.8, YW 34, Bred to LT Western Spur 2061), Sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of a Gerrard Fear No Evil 5G daughter. Sold for $6000 to Loewen Charolais, Rosemary.

Lot 44 STAUFFERS MISS GINGER 311S (Polled, BW 2.1, YW 23), Sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of SVY Bedrock PLD 816H. Sold for $4400 to Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale, ON.


1 st Annual Bell Ringer Elite Charolais Bull & Female Sale

December 7, 2006 • Olds, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Cow/Calf Pairs $16,500 $4125
4 Bred Cows $12,100 $3025
12 Bred Heifers $24,650 $2054
9 Heifer Calves $17,050 $1900
3 Heifer Calves $21,600 $7200
6 Embryo’s $2400 $400
32 Lots $92,350 $2885

High Selling Lots

Lot 31 LA ROYAL FLUSH 2S (Scurred, Red Factor, World Charolais Congress Reserve Champion Bull), Sired by Belmont’s Sonar, out of a Bar J Jugurtha 8J daughter. Sold for $10,400 to Jay Dawn Farms, Sexsmith and D. Grant Farms, Bowden. Consigned by LA Land & Cattle Co., Leduc

Lot 23 KAYR GRID GRID IRON 400S (Polled, CE 52, WW 33, YW 55, BW 94 lbs), Sired by Grid Maker 104P, out of a Kay R Tex daughter. Sold for $6000 to CSS Charolais, Paynton, SK. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau.


Westdale Cattle Co. Production Sale

December 2, 2006 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
9 Cow/Calf Pairs $24,775 $2753
8 Bred Cows $9850 $1231
6 Bred Heifers $9100 $1517
3 Heifer Calves $2800 $933
26 Lots $46,525 $1789

High Selling Lot

Lot 1, Misty Creek Westdale 23L, sireed by Misty Creek Vision bred to HTA Miracle 3118N. Sold for $3,000 to Sandan Charolais, Erskine, AB.

Lot 1A, Westdale Sunburst 13S, sired by HTA Miracle 3118N. Sold for $2,000 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock, AB.


Belmont Dispersal Sale

December 2, 2006 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
13 Cow/Calf Pairs $71,200 $5477
10 Bred Cows $23,250 $2350
23 Bred Heifers $39,550 $1720
1 Bull Calf $2500 $2500
2 Mature Bulls $20,000 $10,000
3 Semen Interests $3500 $1167
48 2/3 Lots $160,000 $3288

High Selling Lots

Lot 63, Harvie Redemption 36P, sired by Wyoming Wind. Sold for $11,000 fo 1/2 interest and 1/2 possession to Saddleridge Stock Farm, Rosemary, AB.

Lot 62, HEJ Ripper 66P, sired by HEJ Coaltrain 58M. Sold for $9,000 for 1/4 interest and full possession to P-3 Charolais, Medicine Hat, AB.

Lot 19, MSW Scarlet 45N, sired by MSW Y2K bred to  HEJ Ripper. Sold for $5,600 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.

Lot 19A, MSW Savage Caress 44S, sired by HEJ Ripper 66P. Sold for $5,500 to Wawadash Farms, Alsask.


Norheim Charolais Dispersal Sale

December 1, 2006 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
36 Cow/Calf Pairs $123,97 $3,444
2 Bred Cows $3650 $1825
11 Bred Heifers $21,200 $1927
1 Heifer Calf $1150 $1150
2 Bull Calves $3250 $1625
52 Lots $153,225 $2946

High Selling Lots

Lot 1, NOR Ashli 19L, sired by HTA Whitehot, bred to Western Edge. Sold for $3,400 to Carolyn Kelly, ON.

Lot 1A, NOR Slick 5S, sired by Gridmaker. Sold for $5,000 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock, AB.

Lot 47, Circle X Macy 525M, sired by XPB Wind 12H, bred to Gridmaker. Sold for $3,300 to Carolyn Kelly.

Lot 47A, NOR Mack 8S, sired by Gridmaker. Sold for $4,600 to Rocky Hill Charolais, St. Charles, ON.


Sterling Collection Sale

December 1, 2006 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
6 Cow/Calf Pairs $36,350 $6058
21 Bred Heifers $47,900 $2281
6 Heifer Calves $14,950 $2492
1 3/4 Bull Calves $8000 $4571
34 3/4 Lots $107,200 $3085

High Selling Lots

Lot 16, KCM 470P, sired by HFCC Pld Evolution bred to Rio Blanco. Sold for $5,800 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. Consigned by Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam.

Lot 16A, KCM Rochelle 601S, sired by Rio Bravo. Sold for $6,000 to Etienne Palerme, Pontiac, PQ.

Lot 3, LAE Freestyle 604S, sired by SVY Freedom. Sold for $8,000 to Jaydawn Farms, Sexsmith, AB. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston.


Harvie Ranching Sweep Agribition Show

Harvie Redemption 36P by Wyoming Wind from Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB & Belmont Polled Charolais, Lipton was selected Grand Champion Bull at this years Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, November 24 in Regina, SK.

Judge Scott Anderson selected SVY Worldwide Pld 621S by SVY Freedom Pld 307N from Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont & Semex Alliance as the Reserve Grand Champion Bull.

Harvie Ms Nettie 3N by MVX Cougarhill Hank from Harvie Ranching and Jaydawn Farms, Sexsmith, AB was named Grand Champion Female in this 132 Entry show.

SVY Starstruck 559R by SVY Freedom was Reserve Grand Champion Female for Veogeli Bros. Charolais.


Charolais Win Supreme Pen of Bulls

The Supreme Champion Pen of 3 Bulls at Canadian Western Agribition on November 25 were Charolais bulls from AgToGo Trade Inc., Lipton. These three averaged 1,209 lbs., 266 days of age or 4.54 lb. WPDA and beat out four other Charolais pens to be champion Charolais and 31 other breed pens to be named Supreme by judge Barry Labatte.


Charolais sired cattle sweep Agribition Commercial Feeder Show

Grand Champion pen of Feeder steers was a pen of 10 Charolais sired buckskins from Bar Crossroads Ranch, Edam, SK at this years Canadian Western Agribition Commercial show, November 24 in Regina, SK. These steers the top of 285 shown in front of judge Dennis Ericson weighed in at 896 lbs. each. Bar Crossroads Ranch also had the Champion Pen of 5 steers weighing 923 lbs. each. The Champion Pen of 20 feeder steers were white Charolais from Vermeulen Farms, Ceylon weighing an average of 827 lbs.

In the 95 head feeder heifer show Grand Champion was a pen of 5 Charolais sired buckskins again from Bar Crossroads Ranch. Reserve Champion Pen of 5 were Charolais sired X Black Angus Silver heifers from Debenham Cattle Co., Kennedy.


G-4 Acres Full French Dispersal Sale

November 18, 2006 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Bull Calves $9645 $3216
3 Heifer Calves $6950 $2317
3 Bred Heifers $6000 $2000
13 Cow/Calf Pairs $57,375 $4413
12 Cows $21,045 $1754
3 Pregnant Recips $5550 $1850
37 Lots $106,575 $2880

High Selling Lot

Lot 18, Anjou Jeunnsse 55J, sired by Anjou Extra 4E for $3,400 to volume buyer Kelly Stevens, Moosomin.

Lot 18A, LIG Royal 101S, sired by Impair for $4,800 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB.


LA Land & Cattle Sweep Saskatoon Fall Fair Show and Wins Supreme Champion Bull

SVY Titleist 424P by Grid Maker from LA Land & Cattle, Leduc, AB and Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont was selected Grand Champion bull at Saskatoon Fall Fair, November 15 in Saskatoon, SK by judge Michael Wheeler. Titleist then went on to be named Supreme Champion Bull of all breeds later in the week.

The Reserve Grand Champion bull was PCC Balistik 441P by MVX Cougarhill Hank from McAvoy Charolais of Arlee.

Grand Champion female honours went to LA Land & Cattle Co. & Payne Livestock, Lloydminster with RJV Bo-Jan 410P by Wyoming Wind.

Reserve Grand Champion female was Wat-Cha Ripper Maxim 68R by Wat-Cha Nth Degree 50N from Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Mount Forest, ON & Ferme MCB Charolais, Roxton Pond, PQ.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


World Charolais Congress Canadian National Charolais Show Results

Harvie Redemption 36P, sired by Wyoming Wind, and shown by Harvie Ranching, Olds & Belmont Charolais, Lipton, SK was selected Grand Champion Charolais Bull by judge Dr. Aaron Grant, Olds.

The Reserve Grand Champion Charolais Bull was LA Royal Flush 2S, a son of Belmont’s Sonar, owned by LA Land & Cattle Co., Leduc.

The Grand Champion Charolais Female was Harvie Ms Nettie 3N, a daughter of Cougarhill Hank, with her Harvie Nelson calf at side. Owned and exhibited by Harvie Ranching, Olds.

The Reserve Grand Champion Charolais Female was Harvie Ruling Angel 1R, a SVY Freedom daughter, owned by New Country Livestock, Donalda.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


World Charolais Congress Full French Charolais Show Results

JR Curtis Channing 306N, a son of Curtis Wallace, owned by Rudiger Ranch, Calgary was the Grand Champion Full French Charolais Bull.

Stutheit Charolais, Rimbey, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Full French Charolais Bull, Stutheits Reno 529R, a son of NAV Hercules 12H.

The Grand Champion Full French Charolais Female was JR C.W. Martel Poll 406P, a Curtis Wallace 141H daughter with her JR Cadet’s Image 402P calf at foot. Owned and exhibited by Rudiger Ranch, Calgary.

The Reserve Grand Champion Full French Charolais Female was Cave Midas Luxury 69S, a daughter of Cave Midas Touch, owned by Monte & Sherry Cave, Bluffton.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


World Charolais Congress Sale Results

November 9, 2006 • Edmonton, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Bull Calves $15,200 $3800
1 Yearling Bull $3400 $3400
1 Two-Year Old Bull $5000 $5000
11 1/2 Heifer Calves $46,900 $4080
17 1/2 Bred Heifers $68,100 $3892
1/2 Bred Cow $11,000 $11,000
2 Cow/Calf Pairs $17,000 $8500
2 Flushes $7800 $3900
4 Embryo Transplants $15,300 $3825
1 Pick of Embryo Calves $4800 $4800
1 Breeding Rights $4000 $4000
45 1/2 Lots $210,440 $4625

High Selling Lots

Lot 5A WAT-CHA RUNWAY TALENT (Polled, BW – 0.2, YW 34) Sired by Wat-Cha N’th Degree 50N out of an Impressive daughter. Sold ½ interest for $13,000 to Richard Tapminor, Chattsworth, ON. Consigned by Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co., Mount Everest, ON.

Lot 4 HARVIE MS NETTIE 3N (Scurred, BW 3.2, YW 36) Sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of a MNE Exclusive daughter. Sold ½ interest for $11,000 to JayDawn Farms, Sexsmith. Consigned by Harvie Ranching, Olds

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


Elders Charolais/High Bluff Stock Farms Win Sir-Vivor

Clean sweep in the bull division of Sir-Vivor for Elders Charolais, Coronach, SK

ELDERS SERGEANT 745S, a 1190 lb. son of Elders Mustang 382M was selected as the Sir-Vivor Champion, the Immunity Champion and the International Champion. Elders will receive $30,000 in prize money. HTA Charolais of Rivers, MB had their name drawn and selected Elders Sergeant.

The Davis Rairdan Lady Sir-Vivor Champion was an entry from High Bluff Stock Farms from Inglis, MB. HBSF Schatzi 8S, a polled daughter of MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G. This year, Sir-Vivor had 52 members, 26 heifer calves, and 42 bull calves.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


HTA-Beaver Creek Win Manitoba Expo

HTA Charolais, Rivers won Grand Champion bull at this years Manitoba Livestock Expo November 3rd in Brandon, MB with HTA Classic 629S by Rio Blanco.

Reserve Grand Champion bull of this 63 entry show was BDX Dateline Son 65R by Soder Dateline 526M from JMB Charolais, Brookdale.

Judge Doug Allison slapped Beaver Creek Cutie 3R by SDC Laredo 17N from Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden Grand Champion female.

Reserve Grand Champion female was JMB McKenna 615S by CS Mango 256M from JMB Charolais.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


Cornerview Charolais & Andemar Cattle Co. Win Toronto Royal Show

CORNERVIEW NASCAR 5N, sired by B&M Benji’s Lad 23G, and exhibited by Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, was Grand Champion Female at the 2006 Toronto Royal Charolais Show on November 3.

KCH SUGARLAND 49R, sired by Sparrows Alliance, shown by Charco Charolais, Cobden was Reserve Grand Champion Female.

Grand Champion Bull was ACC HERCULES 31R, sired by Sparrows Cossack 11L and shown by Andemar Cattle Co., St. Mary’s.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull was CRG STRAYCAT 14S, sired by Charco Monte 41H and shown by Charco Charolais.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


Voegeli/Harvie Win Lloyminster Stockade Roundup

Grand Champion Female at the 2006 Lloyminster Stockade Roundup, held on November 3 was DVY STRUTTIN 647S, sired by LT Rio Blanco and shown by Voegeli Bros Charolais, Maymont.

Grand Champion Bull was HARVIE CRAVEN-A-JAY 9R, sired by MJW Craven Red 29M and exhibited by K-Cow Ranch & Tara-Lynn Charolais, Elk Point, AB.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


Wat-Cha and Saunders win North American Beef Congress

Grand Champion Female at the 2007 North American Beef Congress, held on October 27 in London, ON was WAT-CHA PARIS HILTON 9P, sired by Wyoming Wind and exhibited by Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co., Mount Forest.

Reserve Grand Champion Female was WSS ROMANCE 504R, sired by HFCC Pld Bond and shown by Dudgeon – Snobelen Land & Cattle Co., Ripley.

JSR SEMINOLE 27S, sired by SVY Freedom and shown by Saunders Charolais, Markdale, was slapped Grand Champion Bull.Reserve Grand Champion Bull went to Langstaff Charolais with PCC EASTON 458P, a HFCC Pld Bond son.

Full results will be in the December/January issue of the Charolais Banner


Best in the North Charolais Dispersal Sale

October 29, 2006 • Bonnyville, AB

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
3 Mature Bulls $6900 $2300
51 Bred Cows & Heifers $89,750 $1760
33 Heifer Calves $42,075 $1275
22 Bull Calves $38,500 $1750
109 Lots $177,225 $1626


North American Beef Congress Fast Forward Sale

October 27, 2006 • London, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Bred Heifers $12,700 $3175
8 Heifer Calves $18,500 $2312
12 Lots $31,200 $2600

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 203, JSR Bobbi 74R, sired by JSR Redman 56N, out of a JSR Laredo 31L daughter, bred to SVY Freedom. Sold for  $3,600 to  Henry Farms, Owen Sound. Consigned by Saunders Charolais, Markdale.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot  211B, Wat-Cha Sinister 27S, sired by Wat-Cha Nth Degree 50N, out of  an HTA Northern Light daughter. Sold for $3,100 to Beach Valley Farm, Beachburg. Consigned by Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co., Mount Forest.


The following is a sale report from an age verified, pre-vaccinated presort sale in Ontario


Pen Name Address Sales  Kind
Pen Kind Head Wt Price
23 Charolais Steers 21 409 164.00
24 Charolais Heifers 11 390 146.00
25 White Heifers 13 406 141.00
26 White Steers 15 446 150.50
15 Tan Steers 20 500 164.00
16 Tan Steers 20 454 157.50
85 Tan Steers 51 597 152.50
86 Charolais Heifers 14 653 119.00
87 Charolais Heifers 36 545 119.00
88 White Heifers 25 456 131.00
89 Charolais Heifers 30 584 118.00
90 Tan Heifers 33 589 122.50
92 White Steers 30 596 141.00
95 White Steers 45 547 152.25
96 Charolais Heifers 50 492 126.00
97 Tan Steers 45 499 164.50
98 Charolais Heifers 45 451 130.50
99 Tan Heifers 34 503 128.50
100 Tan Steers 55 640 140.25
103 White Steers 59 503 160.25
104 Tan Steers 27 698 125.00
105 White Heifers 49 547 130.00
106 Tan Heifers 41 550 123.50
107 Tan Steers 53 550 150.00
108 Charolais Heifers 31 552 119.75
109 Red Steers 23 675 122.25
110 White Heifers 40 498 132.50
111 Tan Steers 32 596 139.50
41 Tan Heifers 15 664 116.50
43 White Steers 9 649 130.25
45 Charolais Steers 10 646 119.25
51 Charolais Steers 19 455 162.00
52 Charolais Steers 22 500 150.00
53 Charolais Steers 12 540 148.00
54 Charolais Steers 12 587 143.00
55 Charolais Steers 14 665 124.50
56 Charolais Heifers 14 760 112.00
59 Red Heifers 13 630 110.00
60 Red Steers 13 574 138.00
61 Red Steers 16 490 141.50
64 Charolais Steers 14 841 112.00
65 Charolais Steers 11 595 124.00
66 White Steers 19 742 117.25
76 Red Heifers 10 541 120.00
77 Red Heifers 12 464 125.00
30 British Steers 2 385 115.00
34 Tan Heifers 10 451 134.00
36 Charolais Steers 14 341 154.00
38 Tan Heifers 5 394 136.00
40 Charolais Steers 6 691 117.50
Total Head 1251



Son of Canadian Bred bull wins American Breeders Classic

A son of the Voegeli Bros. bull DVY Landslide was named Champion Bull at the Royal Breeders Classic held October 20th in conjunction with the US National show in Kansas City, MO.


Highlights from Maritime Fall Fair 2006 held in Halifax on Thanksgiving weekend

Charolais Selected Supreme DBAR Precious 912J sired by 2UP Peugot with her twin heifer calves by SVY Freedom 307N were selected the Supreme Champion Female by judge Jeff Faust of Ontario for Cornerstone Charolais (Ricky Milton/Nancy Gorveatt) of Cornwall, P.E.I.

The Grand Champion Bull was Charhaven Showdown 676S sired by LT Rio Blanco exhibited by CharHaven Charolais (Wayne Crosby/Byron MacPhee/Ricky Milton) and the Reserve Champion Bull Crosby’s Sandstorm sired by SVS Mastercard for Wayne and Jessie Crosby of Havenview Charolais.

Charhaven Charolais also won Reserve Champion Female with Charhaven Lady Primrose 416P (2 year old ) sired by Crosby’s Alliance 99M with her LT Western Spur heifer calf and the Junior Champion Female was Crosby’s Sasha 604S sired by SVS Mastercard exhibited by Havenview Charolais.


Uppin’ The Ante Sale

September 30, 2006 • Mount Forrest, ON

No. Lot Gross $ Average $
4 Cow/Calf Pairs $26,800 $6700
2 Bred Cows $5300 $2650
19 1/2 Bred Heifers $78,100 $4005
13 Heifer Calves $40,250 $3127
38 1/2 Lots $150,450 $3909

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 1, Wat-Cha Rock Star 32R, sired by Wat-Cha Lambaste 66L, out of a JBJ AJ daughter, bred to Wyoming Wind. Sold for $10,000 for 1/2 interest ot Jim Page, Palm Springs, CA. Consigned by Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co., Mount Forest.

High Selling Cow/calf Pair

Lot 22, NOR Sapphire 4K, sired by Wyoming Wind, out of a HTA Whitehot daughter, bred to JSR Equity. Sold for $4,400 to B Bar D Charolais, Mount Forest. Consigned by Saunders Charolais, Markdale.

Lot 22A, JSR Sapphire 13S, sired by JSR Equity. Sold for $4,500 to Beach Valley Charolais, Beachburg.

High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 41, Wat-Cha Sinfully Awesome 8S, sired by Wat-Cha Nth Degree 50N, out of a JBJ AJ daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Cavandown Farms, Shelburne. Consigned by Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co.

Full details will be in the December issue of the Charolais Banner


Wat-Cha & Cornerview Win Renfrew Show

Wat-Cha Pimpmobile 58P owned by Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co., Mount Forest was Grand Champion Bull at this year’s Renfrew (ON) Show held September 10.

WESC Raven 4R, exhibited by Hicks Charolais, Arthur was Reserve Grand Champion Bull in this 33 entry show.

Judge George Earley used Conerview Nascar 5N from Conerview Charolais, Cobden as his Grand Champion Female.

Reserve Grand Champion Female was Wat-Cha Rock Star 32R from Wat-Cha Land & Cattle Co.


LA Land & Cattle / Rosebud Creek Ranch win Armstrong I. P.E.

Grand Champion Female at the Armstrong I.P.E Show was RVJ BoJan 410P, sired by Wyoming Wind, with her SVY Freedom 307N calf at side, shown by LA Land & Cattle, Leduc, AB and Payne Livestock Lloydminster, SK.

BLKC Miss Bobbi 5N, sired by Baldridge Fasttrack 82F, shown by Bridge Lake Charolais, Bridge Lake, BC was Reserve Champion Female.

The Grand Champion Bull was JDF Lakoto 77P, a son of HFCC Bond 19L, shown by Rosebud Creek Ranch, Progress, BC.

Reserve Champion Bull, Harvie Redemption 36P, was sired by Wyoming Wind and shown by Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB and Belmont Polled Charolais, Lipton, SK.


Palgrove Charolais Bull Sale averages $13,530

Palgrove Charolais, David & Prue Bondfield, in Australia had another great bull sale on August 25 at their stud in Queensland.

No. Lot Average AUD$
130 Charolais Bulls (including 23 yearlings) $13,530 ($11,450 CAN)
30 Charolais/Shorthorn Yearlings $6447 ($5450 CAN)
28 Charolais/Angus Yearlings $5946 ($5033 CAN)

The sale topped at $40,000 for Lot 1 – to a commercial breeder. The top averaging sire with 17 bulls @ $17,000 was Platinum Windfall (a Wyoming Wind son that really made an impact on the sale)


Brooklyn Paget wins Supreme Quest

The Canadian Junior All Breeds Junior Show was held August 17- 19 in Lacome, AB. The Highlight of this junior show is the Supreme Quest, a supreme show for all the champions from all the junior shows. This year a Charolais two-year old captured the Championship. SDC ODESSA 62P, a MGM Merlot daughter owned by Brooklyn Paget, New Country Livestock, Donalda, AB was the Supreme Champion .


New Country Livestock/ Harvie Ranching win the Alberta Designate Show

Grand Champion Female at the Alberta Designate Show, held August 12 in Olds, AB was SDC Odessa 62P, sired by MGM Merlot with her SVY Freedom 307N calf at foot, shown by New Country Livestock, Donalda. Reserve Champion Female, at this 57 entry show was RVJ Bo-Jan 410P, sired by Wyoming Wind with her SVY Freedom 307N calf at foot, shown by LA Land and Cattle Co., Leduc and Payne Livestock Lloydminster.

Judge Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, selected Harvie Redemption 36P, sired by Wyoming Wind, and shown by Harvie Ranching, Olds & Belmont Charolais, Lipton, SK as Grand Champion Bull. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was CAD Warrant 19P, a son of RC Kowboy, shown by CAD Charolais, Shaunavon, SK and Prairie Sky Farms, Avonlea, SK.


Brooklyn Paget wins the Provincial Heifer Show

Brooklyn Paget Donalda Showed Harvie Ruling Angel 1R a SVY Freedom daughter to the supreme Champion Female Championship at the Alberta provincial heifer show.


Alberta Charolais Association Annual General Meeting

The Annual meeting was held in conjunction with the Alberta Designate Show on August 12 in Olds. The new executive consist of President Dwane Stauffer, Eckville; 1st Vice President LeRoy Martin, Thorsby; 2nd Vice President Ian Harvie, Olds and Secretary Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis.


CCYA Conference and Junior Show

The 2006 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Junior Show was a big success with 94 participants from five provinces and Australia taking part  July 26th-29th in Portage la Prairie, MB.

In the show the Grand Champion female was KCH Sugarland 49R, sired by Sparrows Alliance and exhibited by Jack Oattes, Cobden, ON. Reserve Grand Champion of this 67 entry show judged by Scott Anderson, Swan River was HC Roxanna 529R, sired by CS Pld Junction and exhibited by Jimmy Hunter, Roblin.

Grand Aggragate winners were Jordan Metz, Lumsden, SK (Junior); Jayelle Demers, Bonnyville, AB (Intermediate) and Fawn Jackson, Inglis (Senior).



Charolais top Roblin, Manitoba Regional 4-H Show

Michael Hunter, Roblin had Grand Champion female at the June 5th Regional 4-H show with RPJ Lady In Red 4100P (SDC Progress with Sparrows Alcatraz heifer calf). Kristi Hunter was given Reserve Champion female honours by judge Grant Moffat, Forrest on HC Roxanne 529R (CS Pld Junction 4J).

In the steers Michael Hunter had Reserve Supreme Champion steer with a purebred Charolais. The steer weighed 1,204 lbs. and sold for $1.34/lb. to Roblin Farm Services and Agassiz Feeds, Dauphin.



Charolais Sweep Red Deer 4-H Regional

A Red 15/16 Charolais steer of Marina Rasmussen, Innisfail beat out 100 other steers to win the Red Deer, Alberta and District 4-H Show & Sale, June 4 & 5th. Judged by Aaron Grant of Bowden this champion steer weighed 1,317 lbs. and sold for $2.60/lb. to Apache Canada Ltd., Red Deer.

The Reserve Champion steer was a silver Charcross steer exhibited by Kolton Wagers, Innisfail. Kolton’s steer weighed 1,366 lbs. and sold for $3.00/lb. to WG Jenkin Insurance, Calgary.

The female show judged by Gary Latimer of Olds saw Marina Rasmussen win Grand Champion Female with her cow DBAR Y-Not-Me 232M and her HEJ Ripper bull calf at side. Reserve Grand Champion female honours went to a Charolais bred heifer shown by Marina Wagers, Innisfail.



Forysth/Hunter win Heart of Canada Show

Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale won Grand Champion Bull honours at this year’s Heart of Canada Show held June 18 at Treherne, MB with FFBB Roper Pld 5106R.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull of this 56 entry show was Silver Foxx Prime Rib 3M exhibited by Charburg Charolais, Rapid City and Silver Foxx Charolais, Silton, SK.

Judges Marcel and Jean Fouillard used RPJ Lady In Red 4100P as the Grand Champion Female for Hunter Charolais, Roblin.

Reserve Grand Champion Female was FFBB Miss Priss Pld 337M shown by Forsyth Bros. Charolais.



Charolais Win Dauphin,MB 4-H Regional Show

Jackie Bremner of Dauphin had Grand Champion steer at this year’s Dauphin 4-H Regional show with a white Charolais. The steer beat out 34 other steers while weighing 1,263 lbs. and sold for $1.45/lb to the Dauphin Vet Clinic. Judge Herb Hinsburg, Rapid City also used a Charolais of Kaylee Telfer, Dauphin to win the yearling heifer division at the show on June 5th.



Charolais Heifer top Lundar Regional 4-H Show

Logan Forsyth of Eriksdale had supreme champion female at this June 9th show with his yearling heifer FFBB Miss Rene Pld 513R sired by SOS Mr Valentine Pld 39M.



Charolais on the Saskatchewan Showdown Sale

June 10, 2006 • Saskatoon, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
2 Bred Cows $20,000 $10,000
9 Bred Heifers $45,500 $5056
2 Heifer Calves $11,700 $5850
2 Embryo Lots $4600 $2300
1 Semen Tank $3300 $3300
16 Lots $85,100 $5319

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 1, DVY Paris 441P, sired by VMN Habanero Pld 137L, out of a SLY Eastwood daughter, bred to RGP Real Estate 129R. Sold for $15,500 to CAD Charolais, Shaunavon. Consigned by Bar K Charolais, Saskatoon, Palmer Charolais, Bladworth and Glen Mills, Hanley.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 17, Pick of the A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, Bred Heifers. Sold for $8,100 to Tim Bullick, Bowden, AB, on order.

Lot 14, Pick of the San Dan Charolais, Erskine, AB, Red Influence Bred Heifers. Sold for $6,400 to Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.

Lot 2, Pick of 3 ET Bred Heifers by Wyoming Wind, out of a Whitehot daughter, bred to Sparrows Alcatraz or Grid Maker. Sold for $5,200 to Beach Valley Farms, Beachburg, ON. Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.

High Selling Heifer Calves

Lot 4, Pick of Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont, Heifer Calves. Sold for $7,700 to Gerrard Charolais, Innisfail, AB.



Charolais are on top in Pincher Creek, Alberta

May 29th was the Pincher Creek and District 4-H show and sale. A 1251 lb. Charolais cross steer shown by Erica Lewis was slapped by judge Fred Taylor, High River as the Grand Champion. The steer then sold to Doug McClain of Christie Mine Construction for $7.50/lb.

25 steers sold for an average of $2.51/lb. 4-H support is alive and well in Pincher Creek.


Charolais Win Supreme at Camrose, Alberta  & District 4-H Heifer Show Brooklyn Paget (New Country Livestock) Donalda, won Supreme Champion Female over 57 others at the show on April 24th

with her yearling heifer by Freedom.

Cornerstone Charolais, Red & Black Angus Bull Sale

April 21, 2006 • Whitewood, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
20 Yearling Charolais Bulls $53,900 $2695
20 Lots $53,900 $2695


Lanoie Charolais Bull Sale

April 18, 2006 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
13 Two-Year Old Bulls $28,000 $2153
14 Yearling Bulls $25,900 $1850
27 Lots $53,900 $1996


Cedardale Charolais Annual Bull Sale

April 15, 2006 • Nestleton, ON

No. Lot Gross Average
18 Yearling Bulls $63,800 $3545
18 Lots $63,800 $3545

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 7 Cedardale Rocky 19R (Polled) Sired by LT Wyoming Wind 4020, out of a MRCR Vegas 49G daughter.  Sold for $4500 to Keremy Farms, Milton, On.

Lot 17 Cedardale Reaction 45R (Polled) Sired by LT Silver Value 2122P, out of a LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter.  Sold for $4200 to Mack’s Charolais, Cambellford, On.


Top Cut Charolais Bull Sale

April 11, 2006 • Mankota, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $10,400 $2080
14 Yearling Bulls $28,850 $2061
19 Lots $39,250 $2066

High Selling Lot

Lot 7, HMG 6R (1,485 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Prime Cut, out of a Cigar daughter. Sold for $3,200 to Dwayne & Debbie Ash, Glentworth. Consigned by Wood River Charolais, McCord.


Souris Valley Breeders Bull Sale

April 10, 2006 • Melita, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $19,400 $3880
14 Yearling Bulls $42,800 $3057
19 Lots $62,200 $3274

High Selling Two-Year Old Bull

Lot 33, Prides 503P (2,145 lbs., 42.5 cm), sired by GDSF Red King 39M, out of an Erixon’s Whitehor 117G daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Girvin Stock Farm, Pipestone. Consigned by White Pride Charolais, Melita.


High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 16, Erixon’s Tornado 21R (1,575 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by GDSF Red King 39M,  out of a Bronson daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Darrel Breemesch, Melita. Consigned by Erixon Charolais, Lyleton.


Forsyth Bros. & Tee M Jay Farms Bull Sale

April 10, 2006 • Ashern, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
43 Yearling Bulls $108,600 $2526
43 Lots $108,600 $2526

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 31, FFBB Rayder Pld 5108R (1,420 lbs., 38 cm), sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of a Bronson daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Bar J Polled Charolais, Amaranth. Consigned by Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale.

Lot 27, FFBB Rabi Pld 583R (1,480 lbs., 42 cm), sired by SOS Polled Detonator, out of a JMB Spotligh 215B daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Lady Fane Charolais, Crapaud, PE. Consigned by Forsyth Bros. Charolais.


Diamond W Charolais Bull Sale

April 8, 2006 • Minitonis, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $11,400 $2280
20 Yearling Bulls $46,400 $2320
25 Lots $57,800 $2312


Murphy Livestock & Ringuette Charolais Bull Sale

April 7, 2006 • Bonnyville, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
31 Two-Year Old Bulls $88,700 $2861
6 Yearling Bulls $12,300 $2050
37 Lots $101,000 $2729


Fischer Charolais 15th Annual Prime Cut Bull Sale

April 5, 2006 • Irma, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Three-Year Old Bull $2300 $2300
25 Two-Year Old Bulls $76,650 $3060
4 Yearling Bulls $8800 $2200
30 Lots $87,750 $2925


White Cap/Rosso Charolais/Howe/Cockburn Red Angus 16th Annual Bull Sale

April 5, 2006 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
17 Two-Year Old Bulls $44,200 $2629
9 Yearling Bulls $19,600 $2178
26 Lots $64,300 $2473


South East Sask Breeders 32nd Annual Bull Sale

April 4, 2006 • Langbank, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $10,100 $3367
15 Yearling Bulls $45,800 $3053
18 Lots $55,900 $3106

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 6, GBR Apache 58R (1,450 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Belmont’s Boss-Man 11M, out of a Lazy S Mr Redman 81Y daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Charline Farms, Central Butte. Consigned by Brimner Cattle Co., Manor.


North of the 49th Bull Sale

April 3, 2006 • Halbrite, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
6 Two-Year Old Bulls $14,550 $2425
28 3/4 Yearling Bulls $77,900 $2710
34 3/4 Lots $92,450 $2660


Best of the Breeds Bull Sale

April 2, 2006 • Leross, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $8550 $2850
20 Yearling Bulls $67,650 $3383
23 Lots $76,200 $3313

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 8, Belmont’s Red Mist 27R (1,565 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Craven Red, out of an A-Jays Mercury daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Circle X Charolais, Golden Prairie. Consigned by Bemont Polled Charolais, Lipton.


Cattleman’s Classic 6th Annual Multi-Breed Bull Sale

April 2, 2006 • Virden, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $13,900 $2780
10 Yearling Bulls $28,200 $2820
15 Lots $42,100 $2807

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 6, Tri-N Red Power Pld 24R (1,585 lbs., 37 cm), sired by SDC Laredo 17N, out of a McCorr Monte Carlo 24E daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Zilkey Charolais, Manitou. Consigned by Tri-N Charolais, Lenore.


Vermillionaires 20 th Annual Bull Sale

April 1, 2006 • Vermillion AB

No. Lot Gross Average
59 Two-Year Old Bulls $196,700 $3334
14 Yearling Bulls $29,700 $2121
73 Lots $226,400 $3102


Maritime Bull Test Station Sale

April 1, 2006 • Nappan, NS

No. Lot Gross Average
24 Yearling Bulls $64,900 $2704
24 Lots $64,900 $2704


Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale April 1, 2006 • Douglas, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
29 Yearling Bulls $75,650 $2609
29 Lots $75,650 $2609

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 109, HTA Commander 5126R (1,405 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Dim Creek Dividend 43M, out of a RDGC Kalamazoo daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais, Rivers.


N.E. Source Bull Sale

April 1, 2006 • Melfort, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
8 Yearling Bulls $23,250 $2906
8 Lots $23,250 $2906

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 102, Westdale Review 39R (1,445 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Westdale Network, out of a Belmont’s Avalanche daughter. Sold for $3,800 to Edward Misuga, Parkbeg. Consigned by Westdale Cattle Co., Tisdale.

Lot 100, Westdale Remingto 35R (1,395 lbs., 36 cm), sired by Prime Profit, out of a Sparrows Alliance. sold fo $3,800 to Percyview Stock Farm, Kisbey, SK.


Northern PowerPac Sale

April 1, 2006 • New Liskeard, ON

No. Lot Gross Average
16 Yearling Bulls $43,450 $2716
16 Lots $43,450 $2716

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 15, AZU 6R, sired by MILR Lieutenant 27L, out of a LBZ Beau Zaphir 2Y daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Christian Harde, Bairn, PQ. Consigned by ABC Farm, Thornloe.

Lot 21, BPL Rhinestone 19R, sired by CSS Showboat 5J, out of an EC New Trend 6G daughter. Sold fof $3,500 to Larry Moggy, Manitowaning. Consigned by Potter’s Golden Meadow Farms, Earlton.


4-G Charolais Bull Sale

March 31, 2006 • Yorkton, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
14 Two-Year Old Bulls $41,600 $2971
23 Yearling Bulls $59,100 $2562
37 Lots $100,700 $2769

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 28, 4-G Duramax 260R (1,650 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Skymont Ease, out of a 4-G Windjammer 10K daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.

Lot 25, 4-G Whitedog 133R (1,500 lbs., 38 cm), sired by HTA Whitehot, out of a Mr Perfect daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Toad Hill Charolais, Charolettetown, PE.

Hi-Weigh Breeders Bull Sale

March 29, 2006 • Neepawa, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
6 Two-Year Old Bulls $20,300 $3383
20 1/2 Yearling Bulls $96,850 $4724
26 1/2 Lots $117,150 $4420

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 16, HTA Quantum PLD 26R (1,590 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Rio Blanco, out of a HTA Hard Copy daughter. Sold for $15,600 to Double L Ranch, Innisfail, AB. Consigned by HTA Charolais, Rivers & Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, SK.

Lot 14, HTA Tautus 555R (1,605 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Grid Maker, out of a Cigar daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite,  SK,  Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK & Forsyth Bros. Charolais,  Eriksdale. Consigned by HTA Charolais.


Southland Breeders Bull Sale

March 28, 2006 • Rockglen, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
24 Yearling Bulls $51,750 $2156
24 Lots $51,750 $2156

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 21, Wood River Dave 23R, sired by Sparrows Cossack, out of a Prime Cut daughter. Sold for $3,000 to Tom Collins, McCord. Consigned by Wood River Charolais, McCord.

Lot 25, Wood River Airwalk 13R, sired by Chardel 206M, out of a Caterpillar daughter. Sold for $3,000 to Kim Flynn, Fir Mountain. Consigned by Wood River Charolais.


Merit Pasture Power Bull Sale

March 27, 2006 • Radville, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $13,200 $2640
31 Yearling Bulls $88,400 $2852
36 Lots $101,600 $2822

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 24, Merit 5125R (1,377 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Winn Mans JD 338N, out of a Merit 5133E daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone.

Lot 16, Merit 5076R (1,336 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans JD 338N, out of a HTA Whitehot daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Charworth Charolais, Balzac, AB.


Stauffer Land and Livestock 2006 Ranchers Select Bull Sale

March 24, 2006 • Eckville, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $5400 $2700
28 1/2 Yearling Bulls $102,550 $3598
30 1/2 Lots $107,950 $3539

High Selling Bulls

LOT 8 STAUFFERS BROWN NOSER 11R (polled,1/2 interest, full possession,1499lbs,37cm), Sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of a Soderglen Sundowner 89a daughter. Sold for $13,100 to White Lake Colony, Barons. LOT 1. STAUFFERS WHIRLY BIRD 9R (polled 1353lbs, 37cm BW.87lbs), Sired by Sparrows Cossack 11L, Out of a Gerrard Fear No Evil 5G. Sold for $9,000 to Nish Charolais, Cardston.


Alameda 39th Annual Bull Sale

March 25, 2006 • Alameda, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Two-Year Old Bulls $2600 $2600
26 Yearling Bulls $80,500 $3126
26 3/4 Lots $83,100 $3107

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 20, Gilliland Diago 7R (1,630 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by SVS Mastercard, out of a HTA Caterpillar daughter. Sold for $10,000 to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin. Consigned by Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.


Yellowhead Test Station Bull Sale

March 24, 2006 • Neepawa, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
24 Yearling Bulls $51,400 $2142
24 Lots $51,400 $2142

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 14, DH Rocky 4R (1,538 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Rio Blanco, out of a Sparrows Alliance daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Vince Wilkinson, Eddystone. Consigned by DH Charolais, Dauphin.


Family Tradition Bull Sale

March 23, 2006 • Dropmore, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
11 Two-Year Old Bulls $30,400 $2764
20 3/4 Yearling Bulls $65,700 $3166
31 3/4 Lots $96,100 $3027

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 10, Rolling D Remedy 505R (1,545 lbs., 37 cm), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank, out of a HBSF Donavon Bailey daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Golden Gate Charolais, Vogar. Consigned by Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore. Lot 37, High Bluff Hank 41R (1,505 lbs., 35 cm), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank, out of a DCR Tom Terrific daughter. Sold for $6,300 to Semex Canada. Consigned by High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis. Lot 1, Rockland Richard 527R (1,555 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Westdale Montana Pld 13M, out of a Sparrows Vendetta daughter. Sold for $5,000 to HTA Charolais, Rivers. Consigned by Rockland Charolais, Inglis.


Circle X Charolais Bull Sale

March 21, 2006 • Golden Prairie, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $7400 $3700
22 Yearling Bulls $61,250 $2784
24 Lots $68,650 $2860

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 13, Circle X Pursuit 204R (Red Factor, 1,460 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sounding Creek Lonestar 1N, out of a Circle X Mandingo daughter. Sold for $4,400 to Charline Farms, Central Butte.


101st Regina Bull Sale

March 20, 2006 • Regina, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
7 Two-Year Old Bulls $18,200 $2600
18 Yearling Bulls $45,200 $2511
25 Lots $63,400 $2536

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 151, Crystal D Rebate 16R (Grand Champion Bull, Red Factor, 1,602 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by Moore’s Lariat 136L, out of a Skymont Ease 2078 daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Cougarhill Ranch, Halkirk, AB. Consigned by Crystal D Charolais, Balcarres.


Shelco Charolais Bull Sale

March 20,2006 • Rimbey, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
16 Two-Year Old Bulls $42,400 $2650
14 Yearling Bulls $32,850 $2346
30 Lots $75,250 $2508


North Central Alberta Charolais Breeders Bull Sale

March 18, 2006 • Clyde, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
11 Two-Year Old Bulls $39,600 $3600
16 Yearling Bulls $53,350 $3334
27 Lots $92,950 $3443

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 26, WRANGLER JACKPOT 13R (Double Polled, Red, BW 91 lbs.), sired by Wrangler Headliner 28N. Sold for $5700 to Brian Chrisp, Vermillion, AB. Consigned by Wrangler Charolais.


Defoort Stock Farm Bull Sale

March 18, 2006 • Cypress River, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $12,550 $2510
20 Yearling Bulls $52,050 $2603
25 Lots $64,600 $2584

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 5, GDSF Havana 35R, sired by Cigar, out of a GDSF Platinum daughter. Sold for $3,900 to Howard & Jason McDonald, Carberry.


Sandan Charolais Farms Annual Bull Sale

March 18, 2006 • Erskine AB

No. Lot Gross Average
3 Two-Year Old Bulls $7550 $2516
7 Long Yearling Bulls $25,700 $3671
16 Yearling Bulls $37,550 $2346
26 Lots $70,800 $2723


P-3 Charolais Bull Sale

March 17, 2006 • Medicine Hat, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $3200 $1600
17 Yearling Bulls $45,000 $2647
19 Lots $47,200 $2484


Northern Alliance Bull Sale

March 17, 2006 • Spiritwood, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
20 Yearling Bulls $80,300 $4015
20 Lots $80,300 $4015

High Selling Lots

Lot 2, MXS Algonquan 506R, sired by Rio Blanco, out of a Wyoming Wind daughter. Sold for $10,500 to CSS Charolais, Paynton. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush.

Lot 11, MXS Vermillion 527R, sired by SOS Polled Detonator, out of a HTA Whitehot daughter. Sold for $6,400 to Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont & SanDan Charolais, Erskine, AB.Lot 6, MXS Caviar 515R, sired by Sparrows Alcatraz, out fo a Polled Unlimited daughter. Sold for $6,100 White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw.


Double L Ranch Charolais Bull Sale

March 17, 2006 • Innisfail, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
37 Yearling Bulls $116,900 $3159
37 Lots $116,900 $3159

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 24, LLW BIG DADDY 50R (Double Red, DOuble Polled), sired by LLW Double Take 104H out of a Red Hot daughter. Sold 1/2 interest and 1/2 possession for $5100 to Dave Handford, Red Deer.Lot 17, LLW MAGNUM PLD 42R (Double Red, Double Polled), sired by LLW Take Charge Pld 114M, out of a Circle Cee Justice daughter. Sold 1/2 interest and 1/2 possession for $4600 to Letniak Charolais, Consort.


Velda Rose Charolais Bull Sale

March 17, 2006 • Pilot Mound, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Mature Bull $2050 $2050
7 Two-Year Old Bulls $18,500 $2643
14 Yearling Bulls $32,750 $2339
22 Lots $53,300 $2423

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 15, Velda Rose Sir 48R (Red Factor, 1,640 lbs., 40 cm), sired by GDSF Redwood, out of a Velda Rose Sir 55H daughter. Sold for $3,400 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB.


Rairdans’s EXL Charolais Bull Sale

March 16, 2006 • Stettler, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
36 Yearling Bulls $116,750 $3243
36 Lots $116,750 $3243

High Selling Bulls

Lot 13, EXL LIVE WIRE 586R (Horned,1460lbs, 37cm) sired by EXL Trade Secret 154L, out of a Green Acres Butler 902Y daughter. Sold for $4,600 to White Lake Colony Barons.

Lot 23, EXL SECRET SERVICE 5100R (Polled,1280lbs, 36cm), Sired by RPJ Eveready 403D, Out of a EXL Trade Secret 154l daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Merv Toews Big Valley.


Wawedash Farms Annual All Red Factor Charolais Bull Sale

March 15, 2006 • Veteran, AB.

No. Lot Gross Average
30 Two-Year Old Bulls $98,150 $3271
30 Lots $98,150 $3271


Winn Man Farms Bull Sale

March 14, 2006 • Winnipegosis, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
35 Yearling Bulls $117,900 $3369
35 Lots $117,900 $3369

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 2, Winn Mans Riata 514R, (1,544 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by KBJ Buckaroo 836H, out of a Winn Mans The Game 102L daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth, SK.Lot 1, Winn Mans Original 548R (1,565 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Winn Mans JD 338N, out of a SLY Eastwood daughter. Sold for $13,250 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis.


Pounds For Profit Bull Sale

March 13, 2006 • Rapid City, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Mature Bull $3500 $3500
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $4350 $2175
10 Yearling Bulls $22,800 $2280
13 Lots $30,650 $2358

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 14, KCH Colorado 62R (1,405 lbs., 35.5 cm), sired by SDC Laredo 17N, out of a KCH Billy Ray Pld 2B daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Gordon Evenson, McCreary. Consigned by KCH Charolais, Rapid City.


Bar J & Velda Rose Charolais Bull Sale

March 11, 2006 • Ste. Rose, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
5 Two-Year Old Bulls $13,600 $2720
19 Yearling Bulls $72,600 $3821
24 Lots $86,200 $3592

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, Bar J Rupert 200R (1,740 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by CSS Showboat, out of a Pleasant Dawn Hotshot 51F daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Walter Bowers, Roblin, ON & Triple K Charolais, Napanee, ON.Lot 9, Bar J Rolex 216R (1,710 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by Rosso New Horizon, out of a JCF Lonestar 15J daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Velda Rose Charolais, Mariapolis.Lot 14, Bar J Ringman 236R (1,790 lbs., 37 cm), sired by HTA Rhapsody 390N, out of a Southern Prairie Mr 8K daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Bullied Charolais, Holland.


Andemar Cattle Co. & Saunders Charolais Bull Sale

March 11, 2006 • Keady, ON

No. Lot Gross Average
32 Yearling Bulls $89,400 $2794
32 Lots $89,400 $2794

High Selling Yearling Bull

Lot 2, JSR Resist 41R, sired by SVY Freedom, out of a JBJ AJ daughter. Sold for $4,300 to Doug Webber. Consigned by Saunders Charolais, Markdale.


A Sparrow Farms Bull Sale

March 10, 2006 • Vanscoy, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
39 Yearling Bulls $189,350 $4855
39 Lots $189,350 $4855

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 32, Sparrows Mecca 134R (1,570 lbs., 40 cm), sired by ABC Latoro, out of a Chardel Westerly daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Fawcett Cattle Co, Consort, AB.

Lot 2, Sparrow Falkland 321R (1,601 lbs., 41 cm), sired by SVY Freedom, out of an ABC Hilton daughter. Sold for $11,750 to Soderglen Farms, Airdrie. AB.

Lot 1, Sparrow Oakridge 66R (1.491 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by SVY Freedom, out of a Sparrows Advantage daughter. Sold for $11,250 to Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB & JMB Charolais, Brookdale, MB.


South Central Alberta Charolais Breeders Bull Sale

March 10, 2006 • Innisfail, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
15 Two-Year Old Bulls $42,050 $2803
53 Yearling Bulls $129,350 $2440
68 Lots $171,400 $2520


Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale

March 9, 2006 • Moose Jaw, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
16 Two-Year Old Bulls $42,650 $2666
25 Yearling Bulls $70,750 $2830
41 Lots $113,400 $2766

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 5, LAE Quality 505R (1,420 lbs., 36.5 cm), sired by MSW Craven Red, out of a Sparrows Eldorado daughter. Sold for $6,400 to Sather Farms Ltd., Gull Lake.Lot 7, MNE Roughrider 21R (1,510 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado, out of a Sparrows Matador daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB.


Charolais Power 2006 Sale

March 9, 2006 • Veteran, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
56 Two-Year Old Bulls $199,450 $3562
56 Lots $199,450 $3562


Springside Farms Annual Bull Sale

March 7, 2006 • Shortdale, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
6 Two-Year Old Bulls $17,800 $2967
21 Yearling Bulls $64,800 $3086
27 Lots $82,600 $3059

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, SOS Heroschi 125R (1,610 lbs., 40 cm), sired by HTA Crown Prince, out of a HTA Blockbuster daughter. Sold for $6,600 to GMC Charolais, Falun, AB.Lot 13, SOS Ka Ching 12R (1,560 lbs., 42 cm), sired by HTA Whitehot, out of a Mr Perfect daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Key M Stock Farm, Wauchope, SK.


Lloydminster Bull Sale

March 7, 2006 • Lloydminster, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
11 Two-Year Old Bulls $36,300 $3300
38 Yearling Bulls $104,000 $2736
49 Lots $140,300 $2863

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 354, AHT POP-A-TOP 1P (Polled, Red Factor, 101 lbs. BW) sired by Moore’s Lariat 136L, out of a AHT Echo 27K daughter. Sold for $7000 to Broken Feather Ranch, Dewberry, AB. Consigned by K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB.


Pleasant Dawn Farms Bull Sale

March 6, 2006 • Virden, MB

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Mature Bull $4100 $4100
2 Two-Year Old Bulls $5150 $2575
30 2/3 Yearling Bulls $83,200 $2713
33 1/3 Lots $92,450 $2774

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 34, Pleasant Dawn Storm 721R (1,470 lbs., 37 cm), sired by LEK Arnold 14J, out of a Pleasant Dawn Sureshot 49D daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Gary Olmstead, Carberry.

Lot 36, Pleasant Dawn Apollo 63R (Red Factor, 1,405 lbs., 36 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Belmont 47N, out of a Pleasant Dawn Sureshot 49D daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Bob Tilbury, Melita.


Perrot-Martin Charolais Bull Sale

March 4, 2006 • Kelvington, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
12 Two-Year Old Bulls $32,600 $2717
33 Yearling Bulls $127,750 $3871
45 Lots $160,350 $3563

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 10, RPJ Rio Grande 525R (1,710 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Rio Blanco, out of an EVC Northern Rave 3F daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach.Lot 19, RPJ Rio Concho 545R (1,507 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Rio Blanco, out of a Baldridge Fasttrack daughter. Sold for $8,400 to Fern Charolais, Fasset, Que.


High Country Charolais Breeders Bull Sale

March 4, 2006 • Pincher Creek, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
25 Two-Year Old Bulls $78,750 $3150
14 Yearling Bulls $41,825 $2988
39 Lots $120,575 $3092


Calgary Bull Sale

March 2, 2006 • Calgary, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
18 Two-Year Old Bulls $65,400 $3400
10 Yearling Bulls $29,800 $2980
28 Lots $95,200 $3400

High Selling Bulls

Lot 348, HARVIE STINGER 2R (Polled, BW 98 lbs., 1361 lbs., Reserve Champion Bull), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank, out of a Sparrows Alliance daughter. Sold for $6000 to Allan McLeod, Claresholm. Consigned by Harvie Ranching, Olds.

Lot 355, PH Target Power 12P (Horned, BW 93 lbs., 1897 lbs., Champion Bull), sired by PH Target Power 33K, out of a Spruceville Lad 68F daughter. Sold for $5800 to Gordon Church, Balzac. Consigned by PH Ranching, Innisfail.


GMC Charolais 6 th Annual Bull Sale

February 28, 2006 • Kamloops, BC

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Two-Year Old Bull $4600 $4600
17 Yearling Bulls $51,000 $3000
18 Lots $55,600 $3090

CAD Charolais Bull Sale

February 27, 2006 • Swift Current, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
11 Yearling Bulls $25,800 $2345
11 Lots $25,800 $2345

1st Annual Progressive Genetics Bull Sale

February 26, 2006 • Innisfail, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
27 Yearling Bulls $81,350 $3012
27 Lots $81,350 $3012

High Selling Bull

Lot 15, HEJ MAGNUM 26R (Polled, 1502 lbs., 40 cm), sired by SDC Ferrugo 45N, out of a Merit Data Buster 73K daughter. Sold for $8750 to Pleasant Dawn Farms, Oak Lake, MB. Consigned by HEJ Charolais.

CSS Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale

February 25, 2006 • Paynton, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
11 Two-Year Old Bulls $31,900 $2900
22 Yearling Bulls $53,800 $2445
33 Lots $85,700 $2596

Valley Charolais Bull Sale

February 23, 2006 • Armstrong, BC

No. Lot Gross Average
1 Two-Year Old Bulls $3900 $3900
22 Yearling Bulls $74,950 $3407
23 Lots $78,850 $3428

High Selling Bull

Polled Bond son (1,423 lbs., 41.5 cm, WDA 4.12), sold for $4,500 to Squaw Valley Ranch, Lumby. Consigned by Altwasser Charolais, Lumby.

Sharphills Ranch Bull Sale with Guest Consignor Footprint Farms

February 23, 2006 • Veteran, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
35 Two-Year Old Bulls $114,750 $3278
11 Yearling Bulls $28,350 $2577
46 Lots $143,100 $3110

Rawes Ranches 23rd Annual Performance Tested Bull Sale

February 21, 2006 • Strome, AB

No. Lot Gross Average
65 Two-Year Old Bulls $240,500 $3700
65 Lots $240,500 $3700

Top Gene Bull Sale

February 18, 2006 • Lloydminster, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
13 Yearling Bulls $37,900 $2915
13 Lots $37,900 $2915

Hill 70 Quantock Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale

February 4, 2006 • Lloydminster, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
28 Two-Year Old Charolais Bulls $88,300 $3154
25 Yearling Charolais Bulls $60,700 $2428
53 Charolais Lots $149,000 $2811

M.C. Quantock “Canada’s Bulls” Bull Sale

January 28, 2006 • Lloydminster, SK

No. Lot Gross Average
19 Two-Year Old Charolais Bulls $66,800 $3516
19 Lots $66,800 $3516