
Charolais Top Saskatoon 4-H Regional Show

Shae-Lyn Evans, Kenaston showed LAE Gypsy 251Z by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W and her Merit Roundup 9508W heifer calf at side LAE Blitz 459Z to Grand Champion Female of the Saskatoon  (SK) 4-H Regional Show at the Prairieland Junior AG Showcase July 5th . Judge Mike Howe named LAE Adelida Rose 304A by Merit Roundup 9508W as the overall Reserve Grand Champion Female shown by Shelby Evans, Kenaston.

Cassidy Serhienko, Maymont Charcross steer topped 75 others to be named Grand Champion the next day in the steer show. Weighing 1,356 lb he sold for $6/lb to Weaver Order Buying, Lloydminster and Bar SK Cattle, Lloydminster. The steer then went on to be Res. Champion  at the Lloydminster Steer Classic.Cassidy Serhienko 4-H steer


Charolais Win Both Reserves at Swift Current 4-H

Wyatt Ching of Rockglen won Res. Grand Champion Heifer at the Swift Current (SK) 4-H Regional Show June 28 with Borderlands Lacy 13A by Sparrows Eldorado. Competing against 40 heifers the judges were Karla & Lexi Hicks.Wyatt Ching ResGr Swift Current 4-H-web


Josie Rampton, Waldeck won Res. Grand Champion Steer the next day with a Charcross that was also Reserve in the heavy class and sold for $2.80/lb. to Bob Sawatzky.. The 137 steers were judged by Darby & Sarah Delorme.Josie Rampton 4-H steer-web


Charcross Steer Wins Manitou 4-H Regional

Keegan Blehm, LaRiviere, MB won the Manitou Regional 4-H show July 7th with a Charcross steer. Weighing 1,450 lb he topped 20 steers as judged by Jake and Allan Rawluk and sold for $3.30/lb to ARK New-Tech and Teemo Ent., ManitouKeegan Blehm 4-H steer


Silver steer Wins Carman 4-H

A silver Charcross steer won the Carman, MB 4-H Regional Show July 12th. Show by Amanda McCullough the steer weighed 1,350 lb and sold for $3.60/lb to Tri-Star from Carman. There were 25 steers in the show judged by Cody Allison.Amanda McCullough steer (Carman)


Silver Steer wins Whitewood Regional

A silver Charolais sired Charcross steer won the Whitewood, SK 4-H Regional Show on July 8th. Shown by Devon Lamontagne, Wawota this 1,420 lb steer won over 48 steers as judged by Raymond & Barb Airey, Rivers, MB. In the sale he sold for $4.40/lb to Prairie Livestock andDevon Lamontagne steer for web Vern & Karen Hall, Moosomin.



Silver steer wins UFA Steer Classic

Congratulations to Megan McLeod from Cochrane who had the champion steer at the UFA Steer Classic atMegan McLeod steer Calgary Stampede. This 1316 lb. silver steer was selected over 70 other steers by Judges Lee and Dawn Wilson from Bashaw. This was the tenth show for this steer and he had only been beaten once.


Fun Bus/JMB/Preston win Heart of Canada Show

JMB Ms Dateline 114Y, sired by BXB Dateline Son 65R and her CS Mango 256M heifer calf at side, exhibited by the Fun Bus Syndicate and JMB Charolais, Brookdale, MB was selected Grand Champion Female at the Manitoba Heart of Canada Show, July 6th in Carberry, MB. Reserve Grand Champion Female of this 19 entry show was JAPR Miss Annie 7A, sired by Winn Mans Quigley 539X exhibited Jared Preston, Ste. Rose du Lac. JMB Gridline 310A, sired by BXB Dateline Son 65R and exhibited by the Fun Bus Syndicate, JMB Charolais & Jared Preston was made Grand Champion Bull by judges Cody & Michelle Allison. Res. Grand Champion Bull was KTS 28B, sired by XAL Firestruck 3Z from Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn.




Saunder Re-elected President of the CCA

The executive of the  Canadian Charolais Association were all re-elected at their Annual General Meeting held June 27th in Renfrew, ON. Brent Saunders, Markdale is president , John Wilgenbusch, Halbrite, SK is 1st Vice-President, Brian Coughlin, Cobden is 2nd Vice-President. Elected to the Board of Directors were for Saskatchewan, Darwin Rosso of Moose Jaw; for Manitoba, Andre Steppler, Miami; for Alberta, Travis Foot, Esther and Member at Large, Ricky Milton, Cornwall, Prince Edward Island.


Mel Reekie named General Manager

Mel Reekie was named General Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting held June 27th in Renfrew, ON. Mel has been with the Association for the past few years serving as office manager.