
Feeder calf sales in Ontario strong

The string of calf sales at Keady Livestock in Ontario have been very strong with the Bruce Penisula  group selling over 1,150 steers and heifers with the steers averaging about $1,150 and the heifers about $950.

Here are the results of the Georgian Bay group from the sale October 29th with some early born $1,300 steers

10 Tan Str 396@237.00
16 Char Str 433@224.00
18 Char Hfr 423@191.00
22 White Hfr 450@192.00
36 Tan Hfr 587@159.00
40 Tan Str 600@183.50
28 White Str 644@185.00
28 Tan Hfr 558@168.00
17 Tan Str 764@170.75
23 Char Hfr 503@180.00
36 Tan Str 635@186.25
36 White Hfr 643@156.50
39 White Str 589@189.00
36 White Str 503@212.00
39 Tan Str 686@180.50
21 White Hfr 499@185.00
27 Tan Str 542@194.00
12 White Hfr 559@175.00
15 White Str 775@167.50
27 White Str 698@181.50
26 White Hfr 554@173.00
46 Tan Hfr 651@153.50
24 White Str 541@197.00
22 White Str 756@175.75
28 White Hfr 593@158.00
13 Red Str 547@180.00
8 Red Hfr 473@148.00
20 Red Str 639@174.50
11 Red Hfr 557@151.50
6 Red Str 801@167.75
14 Red Hfr 690@127.50
12 White Hfr 715@153.00
12 Char Hfr 595@155.00
19 Char Hfr 658@152.50
9 White Str 443@217.00
22 Char Hfr 547@167.00
8 Char Str 510@189.50
14 Char Str 547@191.00
8 Char Str 598@174.75
11 Char Str 645@182.25
11 Char Str 827@170.75
17 Red Str 461@189.00
7 Char X Hfr 348@194.00
10 Tan Hfr 407@197.00
11 Tan Hfr 477@189.00
21 Char Hfr 759@147.00
23 Tan Hfr 696@153.50

Charcross Steer Res. at BC Regional show

Dawson Harpur showed the Res. Grand Champion 4-H steer at the Provincial Winter Fair in Barriere, BC, judged by Brad Miller the end of September. This silver steer picked from his family’s herd at Rock Creek was alos Grand Champion at their local Rock Creek Fall Fair and weighed 1,324 lbs. and sold for $2.60/lb. to Mierau Construction, Kamloops.

Dawson Harpur 4-H steer



2013 Maple Leaf Charolais Production Sale

October 26, 2013 Pigeon Lake, AB
………………………………Gross   Average
1 Cow/Calf Pair                 $7,500    $7,500
2 Bred Cows                      5,000       2,500
16 Bred Heifers                 42,600       2,663
1 Heifer Calf                       1,800       1,800
20 Lots                          $56,900      $2,845
High Selling Cow/Calf Pair

Lot 37 MAPLE LEAF MS TARA 702T, sired by MLR Willie Nelson 464P, bred to Maple Leaf Bar Punch 901W. Sold for $5,000 to Bar Punch Ranch, Medicine Hat.
Lot 37A MLR 302A, sired by Maple Leaf Reward 11X. Sold for $2,500 to Bar Punch Ranch, Medicine Hat.

High Selling Bred Heifers
Lot 9 MAPLE LEAF MS EXCAL 181Y, sired by Excaliber Econome, bred to Maple Leaf Reward 11X. Sold for $3,400 to Stephen Charolais Farm, Moosomin,SK.
Lot 15 MAPLE LEAF MS PINAY 1104Y, sired by Maple Leaf Pinay 935W, bred to Maple Leaf Cadet 18C. Sold for $3,100 to Leemar Charolais, Thorsby.


Charolais Female Supreme at Expo Boeuf Show

Wood River Princess 13Y, sired by Wood River Country Boy 54W and her CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W bull calf at side, exhibited by Oattes Charolais, Cobden, ON, was selected Supreme Champion Female over all breeds at the Expo Boeuf Show, October 12th in Victoriaville, QC.


Charolais Female Supreme at Lindsay, ON Show

Baker Farms Zagucci 8Z a yearling heifer sired by Gerard Montezuma 6T and shown by Baker Farms, Madoc was selected Supreme Champion Female, September 21st, 2013 at the Lindsay, ON Fair Show. This makes her eligible for the Agribition Supreme Show being held Saturday, November 16 in Regina, SK.


All Girls Acres/Rollin Acres Win Erin Show

AGA Yummy Girl 67Y sired by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET, with her Cedardale Tyrant 31T heifer calf at side, exhibited by All Girls Acres, Oakwood, was named Grand Champion Female at the Erin (ON) BOSS Show, October 13th. Judge Jade Clutter selected AGA Turdy Girl 6A, sired by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, exhibited by All Girls Acres, as the Reserve Grand Champion of this 23 entry show.  Rollin Acres Top Shelf 4Z, sired by PCFL Ultimate 14R and exhibited by Rollin Acres Charolais, Shelburne was named Grand Champion Bull. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was AGA Allakasam 4A, sired by Cedardale Tyrant 31T and exhibited by All Girl Acres.


Oattes, Lemay Win Expo Boeuf Show

Wood River Princess 13Y, sired by Wood River Country Boy 54W and her CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W bull calf at side, exhibited by Oattes Charolais, Cobden, ON, was selected Grand Champion Female at the Expo Boeuf BOSS Show, October 11th in Victoriaville, QC. Judge Bernard Dore made GGD Tiara 731T, sired by Sparrows Cossack 11L with her Shelco Made Easy 512R bull calf at side, exhibited by Dubuc Charolais, Sainte-Eulalie, Reserve Grand Champion Female.
Mr Louber Blanco 784W, sired by LT Rio Blanco 1234 P, exhibited by Ferme Claude Lemay, St-Gerard des Laurentides, was Grand Champion Bull of this 70 head show. Hicks Zealander 44Z, sired by WESC Hicks Revolver 14R, exibited by Hicks Charolais, Arthur, ON was selected Reserve Grand Champion Bull.