
Howe New SCA President

Kelly Howe of Moose Jaw (SK) was elected president of the Saskatchewan Charolais Association at their 54th Annual General Meeting held July 30th at Moose Jaw. Complete AGM details will be in the August Charolais Banner online this week or in the mail August 8th.

Saskatchewan Charolais Association Board of Directors (front l-r) Jared McTavish, Moosomin (1st Vice-President); Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw (President); Stephen Wielgosz, Yellow Creek (2nd Vice-President); Dave Blechinger, Rosetown (Sec-Treas.). (back l-r) Matt Jones, Gull Lake; Raymond Paschke, Love; Jordan Moore, Redvers; Tyler Smyth, Herbert; Mike Neilson, Willowbrook


Charolais Youth wins $4000 in scholarships at Summer Synergy

Megan McLeod, Cochrane, AB, was declared the overall High Point Aggregate winner at Summer Synergy held in Olds, AB from July 12 – 15.Of the six catagories in the competition, Megan was:
Champion Charolais Female with CML Desirae 558C and her heifer calf sired by MVY All Shook Up 18C
Overall Champion in Marketing
Reserve Champion Showmanship
3rd Overall Grooming
5th Overall in multi species judging
High score for her Personal Interview

Over 200 youth participated in this years event.
In total, 44 youth received scholarships exceeding $80,000.
The scholarships were sponsored by the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Foundation


Charolais wins Res. Champion Female at the AB Provincial 4-H Heifer Show

Reegan McLeod, Claresholm, AB, had a great day, July 12th at the Alberta 4-H Provincial Heifer show. She won Grand Champion Charolais Female and was overall Reserve Champion Female of the entire show, with CML Firefly 502C by CML Encore 4Y and her MVY All Shook Up 18C heifer calf. The Judge was Kurt Pedersen. Two days later in the Alberta Summer Synergy Show, Reegan and her pair won Reserve Champion Charolais Female, judged by Dr Scott Schaake.


National Program Advisory Committee

Selection Process for National Program Advisory Committee

NPAC serves as the primary mechanism for producer consultations with respect to the business risk management programs and risk management issues, providing advice and guidance to federal, provincial, and territorial governments.

Go tho this URL for more information or to apply:


Myhre New MCA President

Hans Myhre of Dauphin,MB was elected president of the Manitoba Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting and Pen Show held July 22nd at Dauphin.

Manitoba Charolais Association Board of Directors (l-r)Ron McDonald, Sidney; Shawn Airey, Rivers (Past President & CCA Director); Matthew Ramsey, Strathclair; Jeff Cavers, La Riviere (1st Vice-Presdent); Trent Hatch, Oak Lake; Hans Myhre, Dauphin (President); Scott Johnston, Rathwell; Andre Steppler, Miami (2nd Vice-President), Jim Olson, Portage la Prairie (CCA Director); Rae Trimble-Olson, Portage la Prairie (Sec.-Treas.); Jared Preston, Ste. Rose; Brad Cline, Belmont; Michael Hunter, Roblin; Tyler Stewart, Foxwarren; (missing-Rob Gilliland, Virden)


Charolais Steers Sweep Carman 4-H Regional

Grand Champion Steer at the Carman (MB) 4-H Regional Show on July 13th was won by Michael Steppler, Miami topping 40 steers judged by Kelly Ferris. The steer weighed 1,480 lb and sold for $2.95/lb to Loadline Manufacturing, Winkler. The Reserve Grand Champion steer was won by April Steppler, Miami. Her steer weighed 1,465 lb and sold for $2.65/lb to SJ Agronomy, Miami.


Charcross Female Res. Champion at Saskatoon 4-H Regional

Allyson Tezlaff, Viscount, SK had Res. Grand Champion Female at the Saskatoon 4-H Regional Show, July 9th. There were 110 females shown and the judge was Claude Wasden.


Charolais Wins Champion Females at Saskatoon 4-H Regional

Calina Evans, Kenaston, SK had a great day, July 9th at the Saskatoon 4-H Regional show. She won Champion Yearling Heifer, with Steppler Miss 6213D by Sparrows Copenhagen, and Champion Continuation Female, with, LAE Calypso 555C by Circle Cee Legend and her HRJ Maverick bull calf, that won Grand Overall. The Judge was Claude Wasden. Calina also was Supreme Showman and with her sister Shelby won the team grooming. Shelby won the 5 species judging competition.


Charolais Wins Continuation at Alameda Regional 4-H

Kamryn Gilliland, Carievale, SK won the Champion Continuation Female at the Alameda Regional 4-H Show, June 10th. The judge was Jeff Lees.


Charcross Steer Res. Champion at Dauphin 4-H Regional

Porter Fox, Eddystone, MB won Reserve Grand Champion steer competing againsts 31 steers at the Dauphin Regional 4-H show.  The show and sale on June 29th was judged by Chad Hollinger. His steer weighed 1,393 lb and sold to Horse Hill Land and Cattle for $1.80/lb.