
Charolais Win Kerrobert 4-H

A purebred Charolais steer shown by Shawna Meier of Kerrobert, SK won Grand Champion honours at the Kerrobert Regional 4-H Show held June 4th. 32 steers were judged by Kurtis Reid and the steer weighed 1,160 lbs. and sold for $3.65/lb to Kerrobert Sand and Gravel. Danielle Meier of Kerrobert also had champion heifer with Tri-N Malibu 216A.


Silver Steer Res. at Maple Creek 4-H

A Charolais sired silver steer won Res. Grand Champion honors at the Maple Creek, SK 4-H Regional Show held June 10th. The steer raised by Brandon Waterman and competed against 46 steers judged by Kurtis Reid. The steer gained 3.97 lb/day on a coasting ration and weighed in at 1,390 lb and sold for $1.85/lb to Nilsson Bros. Livestock & Koncrete Construction.Brandon Waterman-for web