December 19, 2021 Saskatoon, SK
……………………………..Gross Average
1 Bull $30,000$30,000
1 Cow/Calf Pair 21,000 21,000
8 Bred Heifers 172,500 21,562
11 Heifer Calves 119,000 10,818
20 1/3 Lots $342,500 $16,847
5 Embryo Lots (17 eggs) 34,400 2,024
1 Pick of the Herd Flush 11,000 11,000
2 Semen Lots (100 doses) 23,500 11,750
1 Pregnant Recipient 10,500 10,500
High Selling Bull
Lot 1, BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld ET, sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD. Sold full possession, 1/3 Canadian semen interest for $30,000 to Heritage View Cattle. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, AB.
High Selling Cow/Calf Pair
Lot 16A, HKS Ms Lois 57G, sired by WCR Commissioner 593P. Sold for $13,500 to CasBar Farms, Blaine Lake. Consigned by Howe Coulee Charolais, Moose Jaw.
Lot 16B, HKS Ms Lois 6J, sired by Whitecap Embargo 7E. Sold for $7,500 to Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan.
High Selling Bred Heifer
Lot 19, Miss Prairie Cove 44H, sired by CCC WC Resource 417 P, bred to BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld ET. Sold for $38,000 to Longview Cattle Co., Grenfell. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais.
High Selling Heifer Calf
Lot 5, Miss W2 Juliette 13J, sired by DR Revelation 467. Sold for $32,000 to Greg Peck, Maryland, USA.