
Charcross Steer Wins Lethbridge District 4-H

A Charcross steer shown by Logan Scheirlinck was Champion steer at his Del Bonita, AB 4-H club show and then went on to be Supreme Champion Steer at the Lethbridge District 4-H show. The steer weighed 1,583 lb and sold for $5.55/lb to Sunny South Veterinary Services, Lethbridge. This June 1st show was judged by Kolby Heaven.



Howe Re-elected Chairman of the FCCF Board

The executive and board remained the same at the Friends of the Canadian Charolais Foundation Annual General Meeting held June 7th in Moose Jaw, SK. Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw was re-elected Chairman; Keith Black, Foresters Falls, ON was re-elected Vice-Chairman; Jeralyn Rasmussen, Innisfail, AB, Secretary-Treasurer and Helge By, Regina, President. The rest of the board are Dennis Serhienko, Maymont; Dwein Trask, Saskatoon; Mike Elder, Coronach & Mark Frost, Kingsey Falls, QC.
Following the CCA Presidents Dinner the 3rd Annual FCCF Fundraising Auction was again a great success with 35 lots raising over $80,000 to fund the Foundations many inititives. See the August Charolais Banner for more information.


Airey Re-elected President of the CCA Board

Shawn Airey, Rivers, MB was re-elected President of the Canadian Charolais Association at their 65th Annual General Meeting held June 11th, 2023 in Innisfail, AB. Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton, ON stays on as 1st Vice-President; Josh Taylor, Dunsford, ON as 2nd Vice-President and Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, AB continues as Past-President. Rounding out the board of directors are Rod McLeod, Rockyview County; Josh Redden, Windsor, NS; Darwin Rosso, Moose Jaw; Armand Roy, St-Bernard Lacolle, QC; Travis Foot, Esther, AB; Dennis Serhienko, Maymont and Kyle O’Neill, Red Deer County, AB with Craig Scott being the General Manager. Complete details will be in the August Charolais Banner.


Weinbender Re-elected SCA President

Dale Weinbender, Canora, SK was re-elected president of the Saskatchewan Charolais Association Board of Directors at the 61st Annual General Meeting held June 6th at Moose Jaw. 1st Vice-President remains Justin Cay, Kinistino and Scott Sunderland, Saint Front continues as 2nd Vice-President. Sarah Hordos retains her job as Secretary-Treasurer. Complete information will be in the August issue of the Charolais Banner.


Sask Royal Sale

June 6, 2024 Moose Jaw, SK
……………………………Gross Average
1 Bred Cow           $18,500 $18,500
2 Bred Heifers         28,500  14,250
2 Heifer Calves        44,500  22,250
1 Pick                         11,000  11,000
1 Pregnant Recip        9,250   9,250
1 Flush                          4,500   4,500
8 Semen Lots (169)   55,325   6,916 $327/dose
10 Embryo Lots (40) 43,150   4,315 $1,079/embryo
25 1/2 Lots             $214,725 $8,421

High Selling Bred Cow
Lot 5, Balamore Dahlia 46D, sired by LT Ledger 0332 P. Sold 1/2 embryo interest for $18,500 to GR Simmentals & EXL Charolais, Stettler, AB. Consigned by Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino & Glen & Sue Mills, Kenaston.

High Selling Bred Heifer
Lot 4, Pick of the Lakeview Charolais Bred Heifers. Sold for $15,000 to Parsons Cattle Co., Tee, AB. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne, AB.

High Selling Heifer Calf
Lot 1, Pick of Serhienko Cattle Co. LT Governor 1560 P heifer calves. Sold for $32,000 to Bar SK Charolais, Lloydminster, AB. Consigned by Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK.

High Selling Pick
Lot 8, Pick of LT Ransom 8644 X Miss Prairie Cove 342L bull or heifer calves due in January 2025. Sold for $11,000 to Cay’s Cattle & Serhienko Cattle Co. Consigned by W2 Farms, Leroy.

High Selling Embryo Lot
Lot 10, SVY Historic 241K X Miss Prairie Cove 748E. 6 embryos sold for $8,250 to Cay’s Cattle & Blanchette Ranch, Edam. Consigned by GR Simmentals & EXL Charolais.

High Selling Semen Lot
Lot 21, DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. 50 doses sold for $17,500 to HEJ, KG, Daines, McLeod & Lakeview. Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB & Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.


Saskatchewan Charolais Breeder Passes

John Perrot of Perrot Charolais/Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam, SK passed away June 2nd after a battle with cancer. For nearly 50 years John and his family were involved with the Charolais business. They had three National/Agribition Grand Champion Females in the 1990s and were great promoters of the breed. John always had a smile, time for a visit and a laugh. A funeral mass will be held 10:00 am, Wednesday, June 12th at the St. Brieux Roman Catholic Church. Livestreaming will be available at: