
Palaschuk Funeral set

The service is going to be held August 15th at the Conley Funeral home in Wynyard instead of Raymore.  The service will start at 1:00pm.  As we are limited to 40 people at the funeral home and family will receive priority.  For this reason, we will also hold an outdoor service with burial at the Stone Church.
We still plan to hold a bagged lunch following the Stone Church service at an outdoor venue.  We invite folks to bring their lawn chairs so we can social distance and safely visit.  The bagged lunch is currently planned for the WPLB farm, but that is subject to change.



Cavers Re-elected President of the MCA

Jeff Cavers, La Riviere, was re-elected president of the Manitoba Charolais Association at their Annual General Meeting held July 25th at La Riviere. Hans Myhre, Dauphin, was elected 1st-Vice President while Michael Hunter, Roblin, fills the 2nd Vice-President position. Rae Trimble-Olson, Portage la Prairie, remains as the Secretary-Treasurer. Manitoba Charolais Ambassador of the year went to C2 Charolais who hosted the event.  Zipline or a round of golf kicked off the day’s events, followed by the AGM, supper and awards presentations. Complete details will be in the October issue of the Charolais Banner.


Charcross Steer Wins Grand at Neepawa 4-H

Madisyn Robertson won the Neepawa (MB) & Area 4-H Beef Club Virtual Show Grand Champion Steer with Big Mac. At the June 30th show of 14 steers judged by Jeff Beyak, Austen Anderson & Richard Moellenbech he weighed 1,525 lb and sold for $2.25/lb to Stride Credit Union.


Charolais Pioneer Herdsman passes

Andrew (Andy) Hirney, Rocanville, SK passed away June 21, 2020 at the age of 89. Andy was a herdsman for Denzil & Wilma Sutton, Sutton Polled Charolais with both their Hereford and then Charolais herds. He worked with them for over 40 years retiring in 1994 two years before the Sutton Charolais herd was dispersed.
Graveside service will be Monday, Aug. 17th at Webster Cemetery, Rocanville with refreshments at the Museum grounds after the service.


Charolais win Altario 4-H Show

Danna Bouchard of Compeer, AB had overall Grand Champion Female at the Altario 4-H Beef Club virtual show with McKearys Jessicah Glam 79F, sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C and her Steppler Lit It Up 142F bull calf at side.

Danna also had grand champion steer with a Charolais x Simmental steer. Judged by Nikki Ross there were 18 steers. Danna’s steer weighed 1,330 lb and sold for $3.00/lb to Jason & Stacey Evans, Altario.